Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in American Studies - Native American Studies

Wesleyan University invites applications for an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in American Studies beginning July 1, 2018. We seek a scholar whose research focuses on the cultures and/or history of indigenous people in North America. The successful candidate will offer courses originating in the American Studies Department. The fellowship includes limited teaching duties and opportunities for scholarly research and professional development. Annual stipend of $50,000, research/travel funds, and health insurance. Renewable for a second year.
Minimum Qualifications
Ph.D. must be received before July 2018 and preferably since 2014.
- Management Competencies
- Competencies
- Special Instructions To Applicants
You will be asked to upload electronic versions of the items we require, which are (1) a cover letter of application, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) writing sample (either a manuscript of no more than 30 pages or an article). As part of the teaching statement (or cover letter), we invite you to describe your cultural competencies and experiences engaging a diverse student body.
You will also be asked to provide the email addresses of three referees from whom we may obtain confidential letters of recommendation (please double-check the accuracy of the email addresses of the referees you name to insure that you have the most up-to-date email addresses for each one).
After you have submitted all of the required documents, you will see a confirmation number. At that point, each of the three referees whose email address you have provided will receive an automatically-generated email requesting that he or she submit a letter of reference for you.
Applications received by October 15, 2017 will receive full consideration.