Mellon Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowships at 9/11 Memorial & Museum

In Fall 2017, the 9/11 Memorial Museum will award two Andrew W. Mellon Foundation post-doctoral fellowships to qualified candidates whose scholarly work reflects an engagement with issues related to or emerging from the 9/11 attacks. Eligible fields of study include: American studies, anthropology, architectural history, area studies, art history, cultural studies, education, history, intelligence studies, international relations, literature, memory studies, military history, museum studies, performance studies, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, or related fields.
This award provides a resident Fellowship for a two-year term (Fall 2017–Summer 2019) at the 9/11 Memorial Museum, including two years of salary and benefits.
The fellowship is intended to bring a Fellow’s scholarly interests into the development of the Museum’s programs, and to allow for the Fellow to experience the programming and professional opportunities offered by this and other museums. The fellowship provides travel funds and support for hosting a conference at the Museum at the end of the Fellows’ terms. The Fellows will be placed within the Museum’s Education Department, and will have appointments as visiting scholars at NYU.
Fellowship Qualification/Skill Requirements
Candidates should demonstrate an interest in pursuing research projects that can contribute to the Museum’s public-facing activities: education, public programs, exhibitions and collections. The fellowship opportunity allows a successful candidate to engage fully with the daily operation of a major museum, and to interact with museum visitors around significant issues of public history and memory.
Applicants must have received a Ph.D. prior to the beginning of their appointments.
Fellows will be full-time employees and are expected to participate in the professional and intellectual life of the Museum, and to acknowledge the support of the Museum and the Mellon Foundation in publications and lectures that stem from research conducted during the fellowship term. All fellows will be expected to offer at least one public lecture during their tenure at the Museum.
The Museum will also appoint a non-resident Senior Scholar, who will provide counsel, review and mentoring to the Mellon Fellows.