Bristol Institute for Advanced Studies

University of Bristol


The purpose of the Institute for Advanced Studies is to enhance research and intellectual life at the University of Bristol by funding workshops and fellowships in pursuit of new ideas; by staging distinguished lectures and lively debates; and by facilitating interaction between Bristol academics and outstanding scholars from overseas and elsewhere in the UK. The IAS encompasses all disciplines within the University, promotes creative interdisciplinarity, and seeks to extend the public reach of the University through dissemination activities and external collaborations. We are also part of a growing network of IAS-designated units and centres both nationally and internationally.

The IAS is located in the heart of the University, in the Royal Fort House, one of Bristol’s outstanding historic buildings, set within landscaped gardens designed by Humphry Repton featuring artwork by Jeppe Hain. It provides well-equipped seminar facilities. Residential accommodation for visiting scholars can be provided in nearby University Walk.

In addition to supporting fresh initiatives springing up from across the University, and helping develop the established university research themes, IAS seeks to develop its own ‘meta-themes’ such as the nature and value of interdisciplinarity; universities and ideas; and inspiration, creativity and knowledge.

Europe : United Kingdom
Institution type
Non French Institutions : Institute for advanced study, University or university institute

Calls in progress

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