Migration Politics Residential Fellowships


The editorial team of the journal Migration Politics warmly welcome paper proposals for our authors’ fellowship in residence programme. We are seeking submissions from scholars conducting innovative and inspiring research on the politics involved in representing, controlling, and managing migration. We want to promote work that dares to bring in new theoretical or conceptual angles to Migration Studies by engaging with wider theories and debates in political science, sociology, law and other disciplines. We encourage submissions that provide primarily conceptual or philosophical contributions. In empirically oriented work, we seek to promote high standards of methodological transparency and rigour (including through appendices and  data deposits).

Successful applicants will spend a one week intensive fellowship in residence period to develop their ideas into a manuscript ready for submission. Scholars taking part in the author fellowship residency programme are expected to submit their papers for review to the Migration Politics journal that offers rigorous, single-blind peer review and full open access without article processing charges (platinum open access).

For the 2024 residencies we are particularly – though by no means exclusively – interested in papers in the field of migration diplomacy, migration and foreign policy, as well as work focusing on the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, Asia or sub-Saharan Africa.

The Spring (April/May 2024) residency will take place at the University of Glasgow and is hosted by Gerasimos Tsourapas. Spring residents will interact with the International Politics of Mobility Sanctions (MOBSANCT) project team, which works on migration diplomacy in Europe and the Global South. The Fall (October/November 2024) residency will take place in Amsterdam and is hosted by Saskia Bonjour, Evelyn Ersanilli and Darshan Vigneswaran. Fall residents will interact with members of the Amsterdam Research Centre for Migration (ARC-M).

Next paper proposal deadline: 15 November 2023, 16:59 CET

The author residency programme is open to scholars with a PhD at all career stages as well as to PhD candidates.

For more information read our FAQ, or watch the webinar with advice on how to structure a proposal + Q&A from Monday October 31, 9-10 am CET. 

You are warmly invited to submit your paper proposal no later than 15 November 2023 16:59 CET through this form

The proposal (1,000-1,500 words) should contain:

  • The core question/thesis of the paper
  • The expected contribution to ongoing scholarly debates (explain which debates the paper connects to, citing relevant work and explain how it connects to these debates
  • The methodological approach
  • The empirical material. Please note: data collection should be completed before submitting a paper proposal to Migration Politics residency programme
  • Preliminary findings
  • References (these do not count towards the word limit)

In the submission form you’ll be asked to list:

  1. Your name, institutional affiliation, position, and contact email
  2. A brief description of data used for the paper (in case of an empirical paper)
  3. Confirm that your contribution is original and not under review at another journal or academic publisher and confirm that it won’t be submitted to another journal or publisher until either the proposal was rejected for the residency or, in case you are offered a residency fellowship, after rejection by Migration Politics.
  4. Your preference for either the Spring (April/May 2024) and Fall (October 2024) residency, as well as your availability during the months of your preference.
Application date
1 week
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology, History, Digital humanities and big data, Philosophy, Theology and religion
Social sciences : Demography, Law, Economy, Geography, Gender studies, Identities, gender and sexuality, International Relations, Political science, Sociology