France Canada Research Fund (FCRF)

The France Canada Research Fund (FCRF) acts to promote and develop Franco-Canadian scientific and academic exchanges of excellence in every field of research.

It is designed to support new collaborative scientific efforts involving young researchers.

The FCRF was created in 2000 through an agreement between the Embassy of France in Canada and a consortium of 16 Canadian Universities, both English and French speaking. 20 Universities are now part of the consortium, also the company Total. The Fund is jointly chaired by Ms. Mona Nemer, Vice President, Research, at the University of Ottawa, and Mr. Jacques Samarut, Professor at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

The FCRF offers two programs:

  • The New Scientific Collaboration Support Program
  • The Joint PhD Program
America : Canada
Europe : France (North-East) (North-West) (Paris Île-de-France) (South-East) (South-West)
Institution type
French Institutions : Public research coordinating or funding body
Non French Institutions : University or university institute

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