European Court of Auditors

We are the Union’s external auditor. The ECA College is composed of one Member from each Member State, supported by around 900 staff of all EU nationalities. We base our work on the following values:


We carry out our work free from influences that may compromise, or may be seen to compromise our professional judgement.



We act honestly, reliably and solely in the EU public interest, and aim to lead by example in our professional work and the way we manage our institution.



We are impartial and unbiased, and base our audit conclusions on sufficient relevant and reliable evidence.



We communicate our findings through clear, comprehensive and accessible reports, published in all EU languages, respecting confidentiality and data protection requirements.



In line with the international auditing standards, we acquire, develop and maintain the highest levels of knowledge, expertise and skills related to both the public audit profession, and EU financial and policy management.


Our mission

Through our independent, professional and impactful audit work, assess the economy, effectiveness, efficiency, legality and regularity of EU action to improve accountability, transparency and financial management, thereby enhance citizens’ trust and respond effectively to current and future challenges facing the EU.


Our vision

We aim to be at the forefront of the public audit profession, and to contribute to a more resilient and sustainable European Union which upholds the values on which it is based.

Union Européenne
Type d'institution
Organisations européennes et internationales : Organisations et programmes européens

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