Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR)

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The Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR) supports, promotes and facilitates research in Modern Languages (primarily French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). It enables researchers to collaborate in a wide range of national and international networks and activities, to engage in innovative research and to demonstrate research value to the wider public.

IMLR provides researchers with unique opportunities to develop projects that show genuine potential to set pioneering research agendas. To this end, the Institute and its seven research centres run and contribute to national and international collaborative, cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural research seminars, lectures, workshops, colloquia and conferences. It also hosts a thriving publications series, a regional conference scheme and a fellowships programme.

In addition to supporting individuals, networks and organisations, nationally and internationally, the IMLR leads on debates that stimulate innovative thinking. It actively develops research services and resources, and offers research degrees and doctoral training. It aims to ensure that the social, cultural and economic benefits of Modern Languages research are widely recognised.

The IMLR publishes the Journal of Romance Studies. Its outstanding Germanic Studies Collection is located in Senate House (4th floor) with holdings devoted principally to German language and literature from their beginnings to the present day, comprising a substantial collections of books, journals, microfiches, theses and archives.

(The Institute of Modern Languages Research was formerly known as the Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies (IGRS), and previously the Institute of Germanic Studies and the Institute of Romance Studies, founded in 1950 and 1989 respectively). The IMLR is one of eight Institutes in the University of London’s School of Advanced Study

Europe : United Kingdom
Institution type
Non French Institutions : Institute for advanced study

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