Advanced research methods and tools in support of transport/mobility researchers, planners and policy makers

MG-4-8-2020 (RIA Research and Innovation Action)

Innovative solutions in the fields of connected and automated transport, shared mobility, inter-modality, etc. are being deployed or tested for wide-scale implementation, re-shaping mobility and affecting the operation and business models of the transport sector. These changes result in the emergence of new stakeholders and services, new types of data (in particular ‘Big Data’), new risks and socio-economic impacts.

The effective integration of disruptive technologies and solutions in the transport system, and policy design relies strongly on the capability to analyse, monitor and, assess mobility solutions and their potential socio-economic impact. However, current methodological tools, databases and models are not adapted to meet new research needs – including for electric mobility - resulting in growing knowledge gaps. In particular, many of the new knowledge needs require additional data, new data collection and management approaches, as well as new methods and tools to exploit the new types of data (in particular ‘Big Data’).


Proposals should address all of the following aspects:

  • Identify major conceptual, methodological and technical needs for analysis, monitoring and assessment of new and emerging mobility trends and solutions.
  • Examine how conventional concepts and variables such as, for example, efficiency, reliability, safety, comfort and security evolve with the new mobility concepts and the new societal and industrial structures to which the future transport network will provide services.
  • Identify major new concepts and variables that play an increasingly important role in transport/mobility analysis, and devise methods to estimate/quantify them.
  • Elaborate advanced methods and tools for monitoring, assessment and analysis of mobility solutions.
  • Review and assess a range of options for collecting and using new data, through new data collection and management approaches, as well as new methods and tools to exploit data (such as, for example, ‘Big Data’), taking into account different type of variables such as gender, age, ethnicity, etc. when relevant.

Proposals can choose to focus either on passenger or logistics/freight sectors. Proposals should build on the latest state of the art in the research domain.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 2 million would allow the specific challenge to be addressed appropriately.

Expected Impact

Research will result in designing an up to date set of concepts, methods and tools that respond to the emerging disruptive technologies and solutions and that can be used in support of transport/mobility researchers, planners and policy makers. They will contribute to generating new knowledge and capabilities and serve for the purposes of effective implementation of innovative transport polices.

Cross-cutting Priorities

Socio-economic science and humanities

Application date
Social sciences : Economy, Environmental Sciences, Sociology
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology
Other : Physics, mathematics and engineering