AMIF┋Legal migration projects with third countries

In line with the Partnership Framework approach to promote a coordinated, systematic and structured approach to maximise the synergies and leverages of the Union's internal and external policies, in September 2017 the Commission launched the idea of legal migration pilot projects (Communication on the Delivery of the European Agenda on Migration, COM(2017) 558 final). The main objective of the pilot projects is to promote the role that legal migration can play in the overall management of migratory flows, by encouraging and promoting the development of concrete projects by Member States in the area of legal migration, with a particular focus on labour migration (including opportunities for traineeships).

On 16 April 2018 the Commission launched a call for proposal – managed by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) - in the framework of the Mobility Partnership Facility (MPF), addressed to EU Member States' public bodies.

This call is complementary to the MPF call to the extent that its purpose is to cover the development of projects on legal migration with third-countries developed by non-public bodies and actors.

The provision of legal migration pathways to the EU is part of a more comprehensive strategy to manage orderly migration flows. Host societies, countries of origin and the migrants themselves stand to benefit from increased share of legal migration in overall flows at the expense of irregular migration. Establishing legal pathways with third countries can also help the EU to address labour and skills' shortages across the labour markets of EU Member States. The scope for more legal pathways could be improved by identifying appropriate mechanisms that could facilitate matching demand and offers for jobs. This includes both temporary/circular and long term mobility, depending on EU Member States' labour market needs.

The involvement of a wide variety of stakeholders, in particular economic actors, is key to the successful implementation of this Priority.


Concretely, the objectives of this priority are:

  • Promotion of specific labour and training-related migration pathways between third-countries and EU Member States, involving employers, other economic and social partners and civil society
  • Development of actions to achieve a better match between skills and demands in the EU's labour markets, in close cooperation with all relevant labour market actors, including employers, chambers of commerce and industry, national business organizations, trade unions, education and training institutions, including universities, and networks delivering work-related training, and civil society
  • Knowledge- and experience-sharing on successful actions to promote legal migration to the EU, taking into account the needs of migrants, the host societies as well as countries of origin


  • Analysis and design of concrete steps on how to set up and/or facilitate mobility between third countries and EU Member States;
  • Support measures during the pre-departure phase, including language training, vocational training, skills enhancement and work-place awareness training;
  • Support measures during the mobility phase, including further language training in the host Member State, access to cultural mediators, workplace training and mentoring, skills' enhancement and entrepreneurship training.
  • Support measures during the re-integration phase, including supporting diaspora in enhancing the developmental impact of labour migrants returning to their country of origin, mentoring in association with the relevant local agencies, recruitment to workplace by matching demand-offer skills upon return, as well as support (e.g. provision of advice, coaching) to the setting up of a business in the country of origin.


The projects financed under this priority should achieve the following outcomes:

  • Development of specific labour and training-related migration projects, involving the actual mobility of the third-country nationals concerned to one or more EU Member States, benefitting the migrant worker, the countries of origin and the (EU) destination country or countries.

Applicants are also invited to take note of, to avoid duplication with, and to build on projects previously funded by the EU in relation to third countries. You may find additional information at:

Global Approach to Migration and Mobility

Mobility Partnership Facility

Projects funded under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund

Financial Transparency System

Date de candidature
Social sciences
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology