Awareness Raising and capacity building

Extensive GNSS applications combined with other technologies require innovation as well as the establishment of standards and rules.

The challenge is to build a mechanism to leverage EGNSS excellence in particular of SMEs and universities, facilitate EGNSS investments and to foster market uptake. Exploiting the potential of EGNSS products by maximising and spreading the benefits of EGNSS innovation is vital for Europe's competitiveness and its ability to address societal challenges in the future. The capacity building and awareness rising around EGNSS applications, creation of strategic partnership towards commercialisation and achieving a critical mass of EGNSS applications success stories would attract investment from Europe and beyond.

The main aim of this topic is to support building of industrial relationships by gathering private and public institutions around services offered by EGNSS and related applications.


The proposals should aim at the development of EGNSS competences existing and emerging in different EU Member States and Associated Countries.

The actions should focus on EGNSS dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, as well as provide opportunities for the creation of networks of industrial relationships in Europe and also globally. By doing so the action should be achieving a critical mass of EGNSS applications success stories, demonstrating the advantages and differentiators of EGNSS services and making it an attractive option for private investors in Europe and also globally.

Technology promotion activities can include incentive schemes in the form of financial support to third parties for innovative applications developed by companies and entrepreneurs and based on the EGNSS that will promote the uptake of satellite navigation downstream applications across Europe and globally.

International cooperation is welcome for when adding value and increasing the impact of the action.

Proposals addressing PRS (Public Regulated Service) related applications are not in the scope of this action.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 0.5 and 1 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact

  • Support the competitiveness of EU industry by identifying strategic partners and by developing market opportunities in Europe and also globally. The creation of a network of EGNSS products market champions will leverage the country/region’s assets in terms of research, innovation, and know-how, by supporting the growth of EGNSS industry and SMEs and by fostering cooperation between SMEs, industry leaders, investors, and research organizations.
  • Foster the emergence of new downstream applications based on either Galileo and/or EGNOS and therefore to support the EU GNSS industry in Europe and also globally.

Cross-cutting Priorities

  • Socio-economic science and humanities
  • International cooperation
Date de candidature
Social sciences : Pedagogic & Education Research