COESO Open Call

COESO’s Open Call is now closed. The information here is a documentation and a resource for others about how our cascade funding project was administered.
Our 5 new pilot projects were chosen during a process that ran from November 2021 until May 2022 (details of the application procedure can be read in the “COESO Open Call Guide for Applicants” below). The COESO project team and the COESO advisory board thank the many applicants from around Europe and beyond who took the time to share their innovative SSH citizen science project ideas with us.
The final Open Call results are available to the public here:
Public Evaluation Report_finalDOWNLOAD
For more details on the Open Call, please refer to the information below.
COESO_Open_Call_Guide for applicants_Nov2021DOWNLOAD
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What is the COESO project and what kind of projects were we searching for?
COESO is a research project, coordinated by OpenEdition and EHESS, dedicated to the development of citizen science and participatory research in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities. It consists of 15 partners from 6 European countries (France, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Germany), including research centers, foundations, companies and associations.
We were looking for projects that meet all of the following criteria:
- Collaborative projects connecting at least one researcher and one stakeholder from outside academia (civil society organizations, socio-economic actors, policy-makers or others);
- Projects involving Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines;
- Projects that follow participatory research methodology or collaborative research methodology;
- Projects willing to be part of an observation protocol and a testing phase for the development of a platform aiming at supporting and facilitating participatory and collaboratory research practices;
- Projects addressing societal challenges (a connection with at least one of the Sustainable Development Goals).
Why would a project have applied?
- COESO is funding 5 projects (lasting up to 12 months) with 50.000 € to implement innovative and collaborative Citizen Science projects
- COESO is connecting applicants with a community of people and initiatives responding to similar societal challenges and contributing to common goals.
- COESO is enabling applicants to be part of an experimental protocol to participate in the testing of the VERA platform (Virtual Ecosystem for Research Activation) in the Social Sciences and Humanities.
For researchers: an opportunity to enhance the production of new knowledge and maximize the societal benefit of the research.
For socio-economic actors: an opportunity to participate in knowledge exchange, capitalize on and spread their experiences in their fields.
For policymakers: an opportunity to elaborate policies that are closer to social actors’ concerns, increasing the contribution of Social Sciences and Humanities research to innovation.
For Citizens: an opportunity to contribute to the enrichment of the public debate and participate in civic empowerment.
Who could have applied?
Funding was only available to legal entities established in EU Member States including their outermost regions or associated countries eligible to receive Horizon 2020 grants.
What was the Open Call process?
Open Call application timeframe: November 30, 2021 – March 31, 2022 (17:00 CET)
1st round
Short Proposal submission (November, 30 2021 – January, 30 2022)
Live info session webinar on December 14, 2021 12:00-13:00 CET
2nd round
Selected applicants were invited to submit a Full Project Proposal (March, 02 – 31, 2022)
All applications needed to be sent to:
For more information regarding the application process, please consult the Open Call Guide for applicants.
Info Session Webinar
COESO offered a live information session webinar on December 14, 2021 (12:00-13:00 CET). We provided an overview of the COESO project, went over the eligibility requirements for potential projects, outlined the application procedures, and answered as many questions as possible. The webinar slide deck can be accessed below.
COESO Open Call Info Session Dec 2021DOWNLOAD
We compiled and sorted the many questions posed from participants at the Info Session webinar into a frequently asked question document, which is available below.
COESO Open Call short information (English):
Bando per progetti di Citizen Science nelle scienze sociali e umanistiche (Italian):
Concurso para projetos de Ciência Cidadã em Ciências Sociais e Humanas (Portuguese):
Convocatoria abierta para proyectos de Ciencia Ciudadana en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Spanish):
Appel à projet – projets-pilote de recherche participative en sciences sociales et humaines (French):
Open Call für Citizen Science-Projekte in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften (German):