The Common Foreign and Security Policy and the expanding scope of the EU's external engagement
SU-GOVERNANCE-07-2020 (RIA Research and Innovation action)
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme CLOSED
There is a pressing need for the EU to improve its capacities and capabilities for conflict resolution, prevention and mediation. As highlighted by the EU's Global Strategy and the European Defence Action Plan, a key challenge is to accommodate multiple action domains, including traditionally internal policy areas, in a joined-up external action alongside the Common Security and Defence Policy. An integral challenge is to ensure that the EU external policy and the foreign policies of Member States are coordinated when engaging with strategic global partners.
Proposals should ascertain what governance structures are needed for ensuring an effective EU foreign and security policy as well as a coherent and sustainable external action. They should develop assessment criteria for effective defence, security and intelligence cooperation in the EU, distinguishing between objectives and instruments. Results should take account of the previous calls 'Europe as a Global Actor' (Work Programme 2014/15) and 'Engaging together globally' (Work Programme 2016/17). Proposals should engage with the growing diversification of international relations, e.g. the E3/EU on Iran and regional integration strategies with neighbourhood regions. Cooperation with partners from third countries is encouraged in order to have comparative perspectives that would be an important value added for the projects. Research should analyse perceptions and the political acceptability of an enhanced EU common defence policy among Member States and citizens. Crucially, projects must thoroughly investigate the burgeoning peripheral and sectoral diplomacies in traditionally internal policy areas and assess how these could be brought within the joint-up frame of a coherent EU external action.
The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in the order of EUR 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. This does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.
Expected Impact
Actions will inform policymakers on the governance structures needed to ensure joined-up and sustainable EU diplomatic action and international cooperation. They will contribute to the advancement of the Common Security and Defence Policy and to increased coherence between the EU foreign policy and Member States' foreign policies.
Cross-cutting Priorities
International cooperation
Socio-economic science and humanities