Current European and cross-national comparative research and research actions on Migration

The fragility of many countries around the world, including in the EU’s vicinity, makes migration more prevalent. New and cheaper means of global mobility and social networks render migration easier. Migration featured prominently in the Seventh Framework Programme and continues to do so under Societal Challenge 6. The challenge is to map, assemble and survey currently running migration research conducted especially at EU and Member State level. The objective is to scientifically inform and possibly improve the policy responses to the recent migration waves to Europe (post - 2014).


The research platform CROSS-MIGRATION will bring together pertinent research communities to map, assemble and synthesise the currently running European migration research as well as research conducted at Member State level. Research-related actions and initiatives at national and EU level in response to current migration flows to Europe should also be surveyed and analysed. Research projects that extend comparisons beyond European countries are welcome so long as they draw lessons for Europe. The platform will make recommendations on ways of better integrating research on migration across the EU.

It will in particular focus on research exploring the interrelations between migration drivers such as conflict, underdevelopment, poverty, inequality and climate change. The issue of exploitation of migrants, including refugees, and vulnerable groups, in particular children and women on migratory routes in transit and destination countries should also be considered as well as the interplay between policies and flows. Migration-related data as well as data collection and processing by Member States, organisations such as Eurostat, UN agencies and the OECD will be analysed with the aim to facilitate comparability and possibly make proposals to revise or expand the list of current common EU-level standards.

CROSS-MIGRATION should also synthesise the best available research on reactions to the ongoing migration challenge, on the migration-development nexus, on scenario-mapping of geopolitical developments, and their impact on migration trajectories. It will also explore the viability of the Schengen acquis and develop alternative adjustment scenarios as appropriate.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU in the order of EUR 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact

A comprehensive survey of currently running research and research actions on migration conducted at EU and Member State level should be presented with a view to distil policy recommendations that can facilitate the design of required and acceptable policies, including research policy, needed to address the migration challenge. The data collection and analysis is envisaged to produce comprehensive cross-national comparative knowledge on trajectories, including onward or return migration and categorisations of migrant cohorts. An interactive database of migration research conducted across the EU should be established to facilitate future research and policy advice on migration.

Delegation Exception Footnote

This activity directly aimed at supporting the development and implementation of evidence base for R&I policies and supporting various groups of stakeholders. It is excluded from the delegation to Research Executive Agency and will be implemented by the Commission services.

Cross-cutting Priorities

  • Socio-economic science and humanities
  • International cooperation
Application date
Humanities : Digital humanities and big data, Anthropology & Ethnology
Social sciences : Information and Communication Sciences, Demography, Economy, Environmental Sciences, Gender studies, Identities, gender and sexuality, Geography, International Relations, Law, Pedagogic & Education Research, Political science, Psychology & Cognitive Sciences, Sociology