Davis Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship on International Relations

The Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations is pleased to offer one or more postdoctoral Fellowships. Applications are welcome from Israeli and International candidates working on issues related to International Relations.
Fellowships will be paid over a period of twelve months from October 2019 till September 2020.
Applicants must submit their dissertation no later than September 30, 2019, or hold a doctoral degree granted after September 2014.
Fellows are expected to submit an article or other academic publication, based on their research during the post-doc period. Any publication should acknowledge the support of the Davis Institute. Fellows are also expected to be involved in the Institute’s academic and public activities, as well as organize an academic event (Public lecture, workshop etc.).
Fellows will be eligible to a shared office space, full access to the Hebrew University libraries, and the Institute's facilities. Fellowship recipients are required to spend at least nine months in residence at the Leonard Davis Institute. During their stay they are required to be present at their office at least three days a week.
Submission deadline: December 31, 2018
For Further information: Email: davis.institute@mail.huji.ac.il