Edith Saurer Fund Call for Applications for Historical Research
The "Edith Saurer Fund for sponsoring projects in the field of historical research" was founded and provided with funds by the late University Professor Edith Saurer from the University of Vienna, who passed away in 2011. Each year since 2013 one or several applicants have been granted a research grant from € 5.000,- to € 20.000,-.
The call for applications is addressed to Austrian and international post doc scholars.
The grant will be awarded to research projects focusing on the following criteria:
- Investigating social inequality in contexts with issues of gender, social class, lifestyle, ethnicity and religious affiliations
- Primary focus on Europe from the early modern period to the 20th century
- Comparative and international studies
The research grant will be awarded for still ongoing projects, which means, the submitted work may not yet be concluded. The research grant is project specific.
The grant will not be awarded for exhibitions, events, travel costs or the like. The applicants commit themselves to conclude their research within the time limit set up in the proposal, which as a general rule should be one year. The payment of the grant takes place after the grant has been confirmed by the Scientific Advisory Board and ceremoniously awarded to the applicant.
Each project will be evaluated by at least two members of the Scientific Advisory Board. The award and amount of the grant will be determined by the Scientific Advisory Board as a whole. All decisions are final and binding in all respects and not subject to legal recourse.
How to apply
Applications in German or English can be submitted from July 1 to September 30 only on the website of Edith Saurer Fund.
After registration on the website and filling out the application form, all applicants can upload one (single) file (MS-Word or PDF) with their surname and given name as filename. The following information has to be included in the file:
- Title, description and methodology of the scientific project (approx. 20 pages) and information on preliminary studies, including a list of references and a work schedule;
- specifications on previous grants and scholarships from other institutions and
- a CV with all the applicants relevant personal and professional data including the academic degree (Ph.D.).
Further inquiry
Management Edith Saurer Fund for sponsoring projects in the field of historical research
T: +43 (0)1 501 65 – 2333; Mail: edithsaurerfonds@akwien.at