Emmanuel College Cambridge Research Fellowship

The Governing Body of Emmanuel College invites applications for three stipendiary Research Fellowships in any subject; all three Fellowships are for a three-year fixed term, and will commence on 1st October, 2024.
Applications will be accepted from university graduates of any background or nationality.
Applications must be received by 5.00pm on Friday 29th September 2023. Referees' references must be received by 5.00pm on Thursday 5th October 2023. Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted. Please make sure that your application and your references reach us before the respective closing dates.
To apply, you are required to register. This enables you to save your application and revisit/edit it before submitting, or to check its status. It is recommended that you register as soon as possible. For any queries please contact the Research Fellowships' Secretary emm-resfell@emma.cam.ac.uk.
To register, please go to the Application Registration page.
Eligibility Requirements
- Application for a Research Fellowship is open in any subject.
- Applications will be accepted from any graduate of a university within or outside the United Kingdom. Candidates holding a fellowship or other post-doctoral stipend at the University of Cambridge awarded by a Research Council or other similar body may apply.
- These Fellowships are intended for outstanding researchers early in their careers: eligibility for the competition will normally be restricted to Ph.D. candidates who are in the latter stages of their research and close to submission, or post-doctoral researchers who submitted their Ph.D. thesis on or after 1st October, 2022.
- Please view the Eligibility Requirements for further details.
- Statements of research are required and should outline the work candidates will submit in support of their applications (500 words) and the research they propose to pursue if elected (500 words). Please note that the statement will be read by people outside as well as inside the candidate's own discipline and should therefore be intelligible to scholars in other fields of learning.
- Candidates must provide details for two referees who have agreed to submit a reference through the website by 5.00pm on Thursday 5th October 2023. The referees should be familiar with the work to be submitted and one should normally be your Ph.D. or current supervisor. Please ensure you give plenty of notice to your chosen referees for submitting their references before the closing date.
- The application must be submitted online by 5.00pm on Friday 29th September 2023.
Written Work
- Submission of written work is not required at this stage (except in Philosophy and Theology for which see below), but it is essential to have written work on hand, because those candidates whose applications are long-listed for further assessment will be invited by 8th November 2023 to submit a copy of their chosen written work electronically (up to 20,000 words including footnotes etc), which should be received at Emmanuel College no later than Monday 13th November 2023. Please ensure that your contact details on your application are kept updated at that time (preferably giving your e-mail, mobile, or telephone details).
- Candidates in Philosophy and Theology are required to submit up to 40,000 words of their written work by the closing date of 5.00pm on Friday 29th September 2023. Such written work is to be submitted electronically. Long-listed candidates in Philosophy and Theology will then be asked to submit electronically up to 20,000 words for assessment selected from the 40,000 words submitted at the time of application.
- Following reports on submissions from external assessors, a final short-list of candidates will be interviewed on 12th January 2024.
- All submitted work must be written in English.
- In addition to submitting written work, long-listed candidates in the sciences may be asked to provide a statement from their prospective Head of Department signifying his/her willingness to accommodate the Research Fellow if elected (and thus confirming that adequate space, finance and facilities are available). This statement must accompany the written work submitted by the candidate.
Fellowship Details
- The current stipends are £36,519 for post-doctoral Research Fellows and £34,861 for pre-doctoral Research Fellows. Pre-doctoral Research Fellows will be responsible for any University fee they incur up to the level of a UK post-graduate student; the College will contribute the difference if a higher fee is applicable. Fellows are permitted to receive additional remuneration for up to six hours of College or University teaching a week.
- Additional benefits for Research Fellows will include grants for research expenses and academic travel, a book allowance, and assistance with computing facilities. Research Fellows will be given the option to live in College, and are entitled to lunch and dinner in Hall free of charge. The residential accommodation offered by the College tends to be quite small and restricted, and is generally suited to single occupants.
- Research Fellows are normally required to reside in Cambridge during Full Term. However, subject always to the permission of the Governing Body, Research Fellows may work away from Cambridge for up to three terms during the last two years of their Fellowship, either by retaining their Fellowship on full stipend, or by intermitting their Fellowship without stipend and thereby postponing its finishing date.
Application Timetable
- The application process begins on Monday 21st August 2023.
- The application must be submitted through the website by 5.00pm on Friday 29th September 2023. No applications will be accepted after this date.
- Two references must be submitted through the website by 5.00pm on Thursday 5th October 2023.
- Candidates will be long-listed by 8th November 2023.
- Following reports on submissions from external assessors, a final shortlist of candidates will be interviewed on 12th January 2024.
- It is hoped that elections will be made no later than 22nd January 2024.