Five Post-PhDoctoral Positions at LabexMed

"How to rethink the Mediterranean today?"

The Unit of Excellence for Mediterranean Studies coordinated by the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme – USR 3125 (Aix-en-Provence) allocates five post-doctoral grants, for a duration of one year renewable once starting 1st October 2018.

The post-doctoral grant amounts to € 2 466 (gross salary) per month. The submitted research proposals shall focus on the question “How to rethink the Mediterranean today?” and relate to one of the three LabexMed research themes (see presentation in appendix 1), namely:

  • Socio-economic, legal and political processes
  • Cultural processes and heritage dynamics – circulation of knowledge and objects
  • Territorial dynamics and man/environment interactions

The selected post-doctoral researchers will be hosted in one of the LabexMed Research Units (see appendix 2). Their work will be dedicated in priority to the personal research project submitted in their application form. They will be closely associated to the activities of LabexMed. To that end, they could be offered a complementary mission by the hosting research unit, within theframework of collective LabexMed actions (supporting the coordination and the management of a specific project).

The selection of the applicants will be based on the quality of the scientific proposal as well as on the post-doc project and its integration within LabexMed research themes.

Depending on the applications contracts could be awarded for transverse research projects involving two or more of LabexMed’s research units. Such an application should then include one supporting letter from each of the unit concerned.

Admission Eligibility

  • PhD obtained after 01/09/2014
  • The applicants must have obtained their PhD in a foreign university; if they obtained their PhD in a French University, they must justify of a post-doctoral position abroad.

Application Form (only via email)

  • Curriculum vitae and list of publication (pdf)
  • PhD Diploma (pdf or jpeg)
  • Viva Report and PhD essay (pdf)
  • Research Project : Title, hosting research unit, presentation of the project in 10 000 characters maximum (pdf)
  • Proof of having been hosted abroad for a post-doc position (for PhDs obtained in a French university) (pdf)
  • Letter from the director of the research unit to which the student will be affiliated (LabexMed partner) (pdf)
  • Letter of recommendation from an academic independent from LabexMed. (pdf)

The deadline for the submission of the full application file is the 20th April 2018 at 4.00 pm (French time) at the following address: An acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the applicant through email.

The applicants selected for the audition by the eligibility committee will be informed on the 15th May 2018. The audition will take place at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme (Aix-en-Provence) on the 18th June 2018. Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered.

Date de candidature
1 year, renewable
Social sciences