IMÉRA ARTS & SCIENCES PROGRAMME┋Chair in Research and Creation: Cancer and Immunology

As an institute of Aix-Marseille University, the Institute of Cancer and Immunology (ICI) brings together research teams, hospitals and industrialists in Marseille working in the field of cancer and immunology research. The treatment of cancers by stimulating the patient's immune defenses is currently in full development and was even the subject of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2018. The institute aims to strengthen the bridges between the research and teaching teams of the faculties of science, medical and paramedical sciences, and pharmacy in order to set up an integrated international program of training, research, and valorization of research results.
The Research & Creation Chair: Cancer and Immunology aims to encourage innovative and interdisciplinary artistic research on the issues mentioned below, by highlighting the synergies between scientific research in the field of cancer and immunology and research-creation. It is a question of giving a great national and international visibility to this research at the crossroads of disciplines and regimes of knowledge. This will allow to participate in the impact of research around cancer and immunology, through arts-sciences collaborations and research-creation in this field.
The possible actions are extremely varied: cycles of conferences or participation in workshops at the crossroads of the programs "Arts & Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledges" and "Interdisciplinary Explorations", working groups transversal to the different scientific programs of IMéRA, activities and events specifically targeted for a large public and also for students (master and doctoral students) Finally, this chair will stimulate long-term collaborations with researchers from Aix-Marseille University (AMU).
Rejecting an instrumental approach to art, this chair assumes that artists produce knowledge. Focusing on creation, transmission and impact, the resident laureates of this chair will develop their research around one or more of these three fundamental axes:
- The therapeutic use of artistic practices by clinicians in the management of cancer,
- The social representations of cancer in relation with patients' associations and their families for the production of illustrated books, films (etc.)
- In a more epistemological perspective, a reflection on the relations between artistic practices and clinical and/or scientific practices
- Applications deadline: October 17 2022 1 pm (Paris time)
- Duration of residencies: 10 months; From September 4 2023 to July 5 2024 (10 months – full year)
Eligibility Conditions
To be eligible, both junior and senior applicants must meet the following criteria:
For scientists:
- Not to have lived in France more than 12 months during the three years preceding this call for applications.
- Hold a Doctorate or PhD.
- Possess an employment contract (permanent or not) in a foreign university or research institution during the residency.
For artists:
- Not to have lived in France more than 12 months during the three years preceding this call for applications.
- No pre-requirements of diploma or employment contract.
Scientists remuneration:
Junior: €2,000 monthly allowance
Senior: €3,000 monthly allowance
Are considered juniors, scientists who, at the closing date of the call for applications, have full-time postdoctoral research experience ranging between 2 to 9 years.
Are considered seniors, scientists with minimum 10 years’ experience in full-time research after obtaining the PhD as at the closing date of the call for applications, and university professors.
Residents will also benefit from paid travel expenses and free accommodation on IMERA premises.
Artists remuneration:
Artists will receive €2,000 monthly allowance or salary (depending on their candidate status).
Residents will also benefit from paid travel expenses and free accommodation on IMERA premises.
Selection criteria
Application assessment criteria include, but are not limited to:
- Candidate's history
- The artistic research project; on the basis of its originality and rigor, risk-taking and potential for experimentation, the place given to collaboration, taking maximum advantage of opportunities within the IMéRA intellectual community (residents and scientific team) and with the partner laboratories of the ICI (C2VN, INP, CRCM, CIML, IBDM, TAGC).
- The interdisciplinary approach; on the basis of a proven practice and a project where it is practicable
- The alignment of the project with the research lines of the program "Arts & Sciences: Indisciplined Knowledge" and "Interdisciplinary Explorations
- A willingness to engage with a wide audience, particularly students (masters and doctoral students).
Online applications must include the following supporting documents:
- A duly completed application form (mandatory fields);
- All the following files (to download):
- A curriculum vitae including a list of publications for researchers, and / or former works for artists and heritage and museum professionals.
- A presentation of the project (maximum 5 pages) followed by a selective bibliography (compulsory for researchers) or a list of artistic and scientific references (compulsory for artists).
- A letter of support from an Aix-Marseille Université researcher or associate/assistant professor OR a letter of motivation clearly explaining the interest for the applicant to interact with Aix-Marseille Université’s laboratories and to lead a project from Aix-Marseille.