IPRA Foundation Peace Research Grants

Ever since the Peace Research Grants Fund was created in 2002, IPRAF has awarded grants to help fund peace research projects in places as diverse as Argentina, Bosnia, inner city communities in the United States, the Middle East, the Philippines, the Punjab, and Uganda. Please see Peace Research Grants 2002-2012 for details of the many wonderful projects we have funded from 2002 through 2012. The original “Small Peace Research Grants Program” was replaced by the current IPRA Foundation Peace Research Grants Program in 2013 with larger grants available of up to $5,000, and details about these wonderful projects can be found below.
There are two granting cycles per year as follows:
- Cycle 1: Applications open January 1 – Deadline February 28 or 29
- Cycle 2: Applications open July 1 – Deadline August 31
Read the Instructions for the Peace Research Grants thoroughly.
The IPRA Foundation Peace Research Grant Application will be available January 1, 2018.
Only one grant will be awarded to any applicant from either the Peace Research Grant Program or the Small Peace Research Grant Program. If you have previously received a grant, please do not apply for another.
The Peace Research Grant Administrator will do an initial review of your project for this award. If your application is deemed suitable, it will be sent out to three IPRAF board members for review.
Applicants may receive only one Peace Research grant. The IPRA Foundation Peace Research Grants are small grants intended to assist scholars in undertaking small research projects. These grants are to individuals, not to institutions or organizations. The Foundation does not not allow overhead costs or indirect administrative costs to be covered as part of the grant. The Foundation does not allow rent and other normal living expenses as part of the budget.
If you have further questions about the Peace Research Grants, please contact Crystal Money.
Application Instructions
The IPRA Foundation is proud that it receives so many superb peace research proposals from scholars around the world and it brings us great sadness that we are only able to fund a very small number of them. Because the quality of many proposals we receive is so very high, and because winning applicants take such care to follow all the instructions below, applications that fall short will not be considered.
In the year 2018, only two proposals per cycle will be funded.
The IPRA Foundation invites proposals that are in line with our Mission, Vision and Core Values:
The mission of the IPRA Foundation is to advance the field of peace research through rigorous investigation into the causes of conflict and examination of alternatives to violence. Peace researchers inform peace activities that inspire visions of a peaceful world.
The vision of the IPRA Foundation is to:
- Inspire visions of a peaceful world
- Promote knowledge of non-violent peace strategies
- Increase the number of peace scholars around the world
- Encourage peace science and arts
- Further the purpose and activities of IPRA
Grow worldwide communication and collaboration among peace researchers.
- Impactful and socially relevant research: We value original research, and peace activities informed by that research, that contributes to the world community and engages key stakeholders.
- Positive Peace: We value peace and justice by nonviolent means.
- Respect: We value respecting dignity, humanity, identity and diversity.
- Empowerment: We value research by people of and within the most vulnerable and marginalized areas of our world community.
Ineligible applicants
Only one grant will be awarded to any applicant from either the Peace Research Grant Program or the Small Peace Research Grant Program. If you have previously received a grant, please do not apply for another.
Other ineligible applicants include family members, students or people with other unacceptable relationships of or to a current or past member of the Board of Directors of the IPRA Foundation or non-Board reviewer, members of the Board of Directors of the IPRA Foundation, or non-Board reviewers.
The Grant Administrator accepts all the required grant application documents, communicates with applicants, sends grant applications to the review committee, collates the committee’s results, informs applicants whether or not they have won an IPRA Foundation Peace Research Grant, and continues to follow up with grant recipients to collect interim and final reports.
Grant application instructions
Four documents: To apply for a Peace Research Grant, please fill out the application form, document #1 below, and email it and documents #2 and #3 together at one time to the Grant Administrator, Crystal Money. Authors of document #4 should submit that letter by email directly to Grant Administrator Crystal Money.
- Completed Peace Research Grant Application Form – Emailed by Applicant Form will be available June 30, 2018
- Your Curriculum Vita – Emailed by Applicant
- Your Project Proposal, which conforms to the Project Proposal Guidelines below – Emailed by Applicant
- A Letter of Support from an official of an organization with which you have been associated, on that organization’s letterhead. This letter should be emailed directly by its author to Crystal Money (please have it emailed to smallgrants at iprafoundation dot org.)
Project proposal instructions
The Project Proposal should include your explanation of the problem or research question investigated by the project, the goals of the project, a detailed research strategy, a timeline for completion of the project, a budget, a brief, relevant bibliography, and full contact information (including phone, postal and email address) for three references. The Project Proposal document must not exceed six single-spaced pages exclusive of bibliography with 1 inch margins all around, Times New Roman Font 12. (For suggestions on how to address these issues and to structure the proposal, please consult The Foundation Center Learning Lab.)
The proposal must address how the project furthers the goals and mission of the International Peace Research Association Foundation, which are to advance interdisciplinary research into the conditions of peace and the causes of war and other forms of violence. Peace research is distinguished by its attention to systematic observation or study of conflict phenomena and peace strategies. We are especially interested in projects that investigate how the conditions of peace can be advanced and/or the causes of war and other forms of violence be addressed, including their effects on people and society.
The Project Proposal should also include a dissemination plan that explains how you will share your research and how your research could lead to action that will promote peace.
The Project Proposal must include all of the following 9 components:
- the explanation of the problem or research question investigated by the project
- the objectives of the project
- a detailed research strategy
- a timeline for completion of the project (including projected Project End Date)
- a budget
- a brief, relevant bibliography
- full contact information (including phone, postal and email address) for three references
- must address how the project furthers the goals and mission of IPRAF (see above)
- a dissemination plan that that explains how you will share your research and how your research could lead to action that will promote peace
In the interest of committing the IPRA Foundation towards the best support of our core values, we note the following criteria:
- You are expected to demonstrate how your project supports nonviolent strategies in peace and conflict studies. We are especially interested in projects that investigate how the conditions of peace can be advanced and/or the causes of war and other forms of violence be addressed, including their effects on people and society.
- You are expected to identify your strategy for disseminating the results of the project to a broad audience and key stakeholders. Beyond academic journals, we recognize the value of cultural art forms, mainstream publications, TED talks, etc.
- You are responsible for ensuring the safety and privacy of the research participant.
- If you receive a Peace Research Grant, you agree to include the following statement in all current and future written and oral presentations related to this research project: “This research was funded by the Peace Research Grant Program of the International Peace Research Association Foundation.”
- Special consideration will be given to researchers who demonstrate language and/or cultural competence in the research context.
The Project Proposal must be formatted as follows:
- Length: Maximum length of document must be 6 single-spaced pages (not including the bibliography).
- Margins: 1 inch margins all around
- Font: Times New Roman Font size 12
(For suggestions on how to address these issues and to structure the proposal, please consult The Foundation Center Learning Lab.)
Funding restrictions
All funds must be used for the intended research project. We will only support substantiated expenses directly related to the research project. Budgets that include non-allowed expenses will cause your application and proposal to be rejected. It is your responsibility to make sure your budget only includes allowed items. If you have questions about whether or not an expense is allowable, please ask, but do not ask about any of the non-allowable expenses listed below. Non-allowed budget expenses include, but are not limited to:
- Fees by a third party such as a university to administer your grant
- Your normal living expenses such as rent, utilities, phone, etc.
- School tuition
- Salary for Primary Investigator
- Any expenses not directly related to the project
Translation expenses will only be permitted in limited and substantiated circumstances. If you have translation expenses, please ask if they are allowable.
Successful grant awardees are expected to submit receipts or other proof of budgeted payment amounts before the final payment will be processed.
Important Note: Our Peace Research Grants do not allow for indirect costs, particularly in the form of facilities or administration. All funds must be used for the intended research project.
Only one grant will be awarded to any applicant from either the Peace Research Grant Program or the Small Peace Research Grant Program. If you have previously received a grant, please do not apply for another.
Successful applicants agree to include the following in all current and future written and oral presentations related to this research project: “This research was funded by the Peace Research Grant Program of the International Peace Research Association Foundation.” If you are interested in viewing previous recipients, please view the Grant Awardees page.
Four important dates for applicants
- Initial Award Date: Successful applicants will receive 60% of their award at the beginning of the project, i.e. on the initial award date, and the final 40% only after project completion and a final report as described below has been submitted, and all other requirements have been met.
- Project End Date: The Project Proposal should state the date the project is anticipated to end. After the grant is awarded, the actual completion date may be negotiated with the Grant Administrator should unanticipated circumstances arise. The project end date is set at one year after the date the awardee receives the grant money, at which time all required final documents are due.
- Six Month Progress Report: A one page progress report 6 months after receiving a grant must be submitted summarizing how the money has been spent to date, what has been accomplished, obstacles and delays, if any, and next steps.
- Final Report and Newsletter Article/Abstract Date: The Final Report due date is the same as the Project End Date (above). The final project written report is a three-four page, single-spaced final written report in Word format to the IPRA Foundation after the project’s completion. This report must identify project outcomes, including what was accomplished and learned. Primary Investigators should also explain additional dissemination and publication plans as part of the project outcomes. This final report must be completed within the timeline submitted in the proposal or within a revised, agreed upon timeline.
In addition, an awardee will provide a brief report on the project and its outcomes written in a style appropriate for the IPRA Foundation Newsletter. This brief report of 250-500 words, single-spaced, in Word format, is due on the Final Report Date. The outstanding 40% of grant funding will be disbursed upon receipt of these reports and all other required materials.