Katekisama Fellowships
Thematic focus: “Natural Resources as Objects of Conflict”

Global intellectual exchange is at the heart of the Katekisama Program. To stimulate these forms of academic collaboration, the Program entails two forms of fellowships: Katekisama Visiting Fellowships are announced once a year, the call for application aims to attract researchers who share the Program’s commitment to interdisciplinary thinking and intellectual curiosity and who intend to contribute to substantial new development in globality research. The changing focus of the Fellowships reflects the different annual themes of the Katekisama Program. Katekisama Fellows spend their fellowship period at the respective partner institutions and actively participate in and contribute to the dynamic intellectual atmosphere of the Katekisama Program.
Senior Scholars can, upon invitation, spend time as Katekisama Visiting Professors at the respective institutions. Current and former Katekisama fellows at the University of Basel can be found here, the Katekisama fellows at the University of Bonn can be found here.
Visiting Fellowships 2024 – Call for Applications
Thematic focus: “Natural Resources as Objects of Conflict”
Closing date: Interested scholars can submit their applications until 31 January, 2024
The Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel (Switzerland)welcomesapplicationsforvisitingfellowships(3months)between September and December2024.Thecallforapplicationsissituatedin the context of the Katekisama exchange program of the universities of Basel (Switzerland), Bonn (Germany) and the University of Ghana, which is designed to establishnewacademicmobilityandexchangeinteachingandresearch.Thethematic focus is on “Natural Resources as Objects of Conflict”.
The program explores post-interdisciplinary ways of thinking and recognizes the synergetic strength of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) by moving beyond the discussions of disciplinarity vs. interdisciplinarity. It aims to intensify global academic networking and mobility by systematically introducing new forms of exchange, digital connectivity and inter-university collaboration. The thematic focus of the call for applications on “Natural Resources as Objects of Conflict” addresses the rising competition over (and weaponization of) natural resources in the context of escalating dependencies and increasingly integrated global supply webs. Because natural resources are generally utilized by more than one group and can be sold to more than one buyer, the management of natural resources is by definition a form of conflict management, whether between different states, governments/corporations and rural people, long-standing residents and newcomers, different regulatory frameworks and notions of rights, or competing companies. And given that such conflicts have historical, legal, economic and political dimensions, combining different disciplinary approaches promises to yield new insights into how and why resources function as (or become) objects of conflict.
The fellows staying at the Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel will benefit from the excellent academic conditions and exchange with international colleagues at Switzerland’s oldest university. The institute’s international and interdisciplinary focus attracts researchers interested in investigating actors and agencies in a global context with methodologically and thematically innovative research approaches beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines. The fellowships are intended for mid-career researchers. In order to apply, prospective fellows must have completed their doctorate at the time of application and have a proven track record in the indicated research area with a focus on the global context. The proposed research project should make an innovative contribution to the fellow’s field of expertise, also in terms of theoretical and/or methodological input. We strongly encourage women and scholars from the global south to apply. The fellowship includes a grant for travel, accommodation and living expenses in Basel. Fellows are expected to engage in teaching by offering a workshop in Basel and to present their research at the Katekisama partner University of Bonn.
Please use the standard application form for your project proposal and CV. Incoming applications without the standard application form will not be considered. Please submit your complete application documents in PDF format in one email to: fellowship-eib@unibas.ch
The closing date for applications is 31 January, 2024. For questions please contact: fellowship-eib@unibas.ch.