Luce Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships are open to post-doctoral level applicants, including junior faculty members (i.e. those within five years of having received the PhD). We invite research proposals primarily focused on the archival collections at the Ricci Institute and serving the preparation of research publications. Topics of inquiry may include Chinese-Western cultural history, history of Christianity in China, comparative studies of Christianity and cultures in China, Japan, and Korea, etc.
The BC Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History is a premier global resource for the study of Chinese-Western cultural exchange with a core focus on the social and cultural history of Christianity in China. Besides its 100,000 volumes of books in Chinese and Western languages, its library also includes (1) a digital copy of the Japonica-Sinica Manuscript Collection from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus (ARSI); (2) the Francis A. Rouleau Microfilm / Digital Archival Collections’ (3) the Canton Diocese Archival Collection; (4) a digital copy of the Passionist China Collection; (5) the Anthony E. Clark Collection; (6) Pre-Modern Japanese & Korean Christian Materials; and (7) other archival materials and artistic artifacts.
The Ricci Institute invites applications for Luce Post-doctoral Research Fellowships for the summer of 2023 as part of an on-going project supported by the Henry Luce Foundation in New York.
This fellowship is open to post-doctoral level applicants, including Junior Faculty members and researchers (i.e. normally within five years of having received the PhD degree). We invite research proposals primarily based
on the archival collections at the Ricci Institute in preparation for research publications.
Topics of enquiry may include Chinese-Western cultural history, local
society and politics, history of education and other charitable enterprises, history of Christianity in China, history of diplomacy, art and art history, science and history of science, comparative studies of Christianity and cultures in China, and the “Sino-sphere”, namely, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Recipients are also expected to present their work and actively participate in all regularly organized activities and research seminars at the Ricci Institute.
Participation in all activities is mandatory throughout the program, and exceptions will require approval well in advance. The stipend is up to $4,500/month. Candidates are highly encouraged to apply for any
necessary supplemental funding for their travel and stay from their home institutions.
Applicants who are not U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents will need to contact the Ricci Institute well in advance for information regarding the following: (1) proof of English proficiency for non-native speakers, (2) visa application procedures, (3) health insurance requirements, and (4) other necessary documentation, depending on the country of provenance of the applicant.
How to Apply
Applicants should submit the following by January 31, 2023:
(1) a most recent Curriculum Vitae;
(2) a 5–10-page double-spaced statement with an outline of the
proposed research and related activities, the contribution the scholar hopes to make in the relevant field(s), tentative plan for the publication of the research results, and how the research is related to and enriched by resources available at the BC Ricci Institute;
(3) a proposed budget and other funding sources, if any;
(4) two up-to-date letters of recommendation. All required documents must be in English.
All application documents should be submitted by email to: with the subject line: “2023 Summer Luce Post Doctoral Research Fellowship Application”.
Successful applications will be announced by late February 2023. All research fellows for the 2023 Summer Fellowship Program are required to have full COVID vaccination prior to their arrival at the Boston College.
Letters of recommendation must be submitted directly from the recommenders on institutional letterhead electronically to: with the subject line: “2023 Summer Luce Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Recommendation Letter for xxxxxx (the name of the fellowship applicant)”
Additional Information
For questions and inquiries, please write to Dr. Xiaoxin Wu, Director of Research at the BC Ricci Institute at:
For more information about the BC Ricci Institute’s resources, please visit:
For more information about previous activities of the Ricci Institute’ Research Fellows, please visit Facebook.
Also see our new Youtube Channel.