Open Schooling and collaboration on science education

Specific Challenge

At the moment, Europe faces a shortfall in science-knowledgeable people at all levels of society. This is a good time to expand opportunities for science learning, in formal, non-formal and informal settings. Evidence shows that European citizens, young and old, appreciate the importance of science and want to be more informed, and that citizens want more science education. Over 40% believe science and technological innovation can have a positive impact on the environment, health and medical care, and basic infrastructure in the future. Therefore, collaboration between formal, non-formal and informal education providers, enterprises and civil society should be enhanced to ensure relevant and meaningful engagement of all societal actors with science and increase the uptake of science studies and science based careers, employability and competitiveness.


This action aims to support a range of activities based on collaboration between formal, non-formal and informal education providers, enterprises and civil society in order to integrate the concept of open schooling, including all educational levels, in science education.

"Open schooling" where schools, in cooperation with other stakeholders, become an agent of community well-being shall be promoted; families shall be encouraged to become real partners in school life and activities; professionals from enterprises and civil and wider society should actively be involved in bringing real-life projects to the classroom. Partnerships that foster expertise, networking, sharing and applying science and technology research findings across different enterprises (start-ups, SMEs, larger corporations) shall be promoted. Gender and geographical differences should be considered.

To address this specific challenge, proposals should have a wide geographical coverage. It is therefore expected that consortia would include at least entities from 10 different Member States or Associated Countries, although smaller consortia will also be eligible and may be selected.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of the order of EUR 3 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

This action allows for the provision of financial support to third parties in line with the conditions set out in Part K of the General Annexes.

Expected Impact

The proposed action targets the creation of new partnerships in local communities to foster improved science education for all citizens. It is expected that in the short term the development of partnerships between schools, local communities and local industry should contribute to a more scientifically interested and literate society and students with a better awareness of and interest in scientific careers. In the medium term the activities should provide citizens and future researchers with the tools and skills to make informed decisions and choices and in the long-term this action should contribute towards the ERA objectives of increasing the numbers of scientists and researchers in Europe.

Date de candidature
Social sciences