Postdoctoral research fellow at ZMO

Religion, Morality and Boko in West Africa: Students Training for a Good Life ('Remoboko')

Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin, invites applications for a postdoctoral research position with a 2,5-year contract, starting 1 December 2020. The successful candidate will be part of the project Religion, Morality and Boko in West Africa: Students Training for a Good Life ('Remo- boko'). The project is funded by the Leibniz Association and ZMO through May 2023. It is led by Abdoulaye Sounaye (principal investigator) and comprises three doctoral students and one postdoctoral position.

The advertised position is set for 80% of a full-time contract. The salary grade for the advertised po-sition corresponds to the German scheme of employment in the public sector (TVöD E13). Additional funds for research travel, conference participation, and publications are available. The suc-cessful candidate will be required to be based in Berlin. We especially encourage women and mid-career researchers to apply.

General outline of the project: Remobokois a study of religiosity and how it affects secular education (boko, in Hausa) in West Af-rica. It focuses on the presence, competition, and conflict between secularism, Salafism, and Pentecostalism on university campuses. The details of the project can be found here. The project started in 2018 and is scheduled to end at the end of May 2023.

Advertised position:

  • The candidate is expected to carry out their own research within the larger frame of the Remoboko project, focusing on religiosity and higher education in West Africa. The project must be designed in such a way that it leads to at least a book manuscript by the end of the contract.
  • The candidate must hold a PhD in anthropology, sociology, religious studies, history, or cognate disciplines.
  • The candidate is expected to show familiarity with debates on religiosity in Africa.
  • The candidate must be ready to work both independently and as part of a team, within an international and highly competitive environment. As a consequence, she or he is expected to complete and deliver work in a timely manner.
  • The candidate is expected to hold an excellent command over English and French. German skills are desirable.

Please collate all materials in one single PDF file and send it to Maija Susarina ( by 31 August 2020 with the subject REMOBOKO-POSTDOC.

Application date
2,5 years
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology, History, Philosophy, Theology and religion
Social sciences : Psychology & Cognitive Sciences, Sociology