PPIE Exploration Call for Applications

  • Call deadline: ongoing submission, call closes on 30th June 2023 latest
  • Funding: max € 24,000 per project, for 1-6 months
  • Total call budget: € 250.000
  • Submission process: open submission, first come – first serve: submission closes as soon as the available funding budget of € 250.000 is used up.
  • Prior consultation required for submission, please contact the PPIE team via e-mail (ppieexploration@lbg.ac.at)
  • Submission: via e-mail to ppieexploration@lbg.ac.at
  • Submission language: German or English


Call and Criteria

The PPIE Exploration call will fund implementation projects which actively involve citizens, those affected by research (such as patients, their relatives, practitioners), people with lived experience and/or other stakeholders in their research on health and well-being. The LBG OIS Center also invites smaller projects with the aim to initiate first contacts and dialogues between scientists and the public to apply for funding.

Organizations with research activities, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and associations based in Austria are eligible for funding.

Applicants may apply for max EUR 24,000 (including overhead costs) for patient and public involvement activities.


Applications must be submitted via e-mail to ppieexploration@lbg.ac.at until 30th June 2023 latest. But please note that the call will be closed when the available funding of € 250,000 is used up. A consultation with the PPIE team is required for submission. For consultations, please contact the PPIE team via e-mail: ppieexploration@lbg.ac.at

All necessary documents are to be found in the download section.


Thomas Palfinger, MSc

Program Manager Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

+43 (0) 1 513 27 50-68thomas.palfinger@lbg.ac.atDr.in Christiane Grill

Senior Program Manager Priority Setting

+43 1 513 27 50-41christiane.grill@lbg.ac.at

Date de candidature
1-6 months
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology
Social sciences : Political science, Sociology
Citizen Sciences
Other : Medicine