Research position on socio-economic impacts of emerging agricultural risks

INEXTVIR (Innovative Network for Next Generation Training and Sequencing of Virome) is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme ( is offering one fully funded research position with an attractive stipend, complementary training activities and generous travel and research budgets.The successful candidate will be hosted by a Newcastle University (UK) and work with a European Consortium of universities, research institutions and companies in Belgium, France, Spain and Slovenia. Successful candidates will have social-science based research interests, but be enthusiastic about participating e in a transdisciplinary network of research and training aimed at accelerating the start of the applicants’ scientific career.

The project provides a timely opportunity to improve our ability to overcome global agricultural, food security and environmental challenges.The focus of the research activities will be on understanding the socioeconomic impacts of viruses on plant health, in particular viruses.

We are re-advertising one social science position which will contribute to the overall consortium.

The main objective of this project is:

  • To assess the socio-economic impact of plant viruses as they affect the food supply chain in terms of the barriers and drivers to effective responses for different stakeholders. Here, stakeholders include all actors in the supply chain, including policy makers, plant health bodies, diagnostics industry, agricultural sector and consumers.

INEXTVIR will offer early stage researchers (ESR) world class technical training in their host institute, through research secondments and short-term scientific visits. ESRs will have a unique opportunity to obtain complementary skills in effective dissemination and communication, quality management, intellectual property management, technology transfer and commercial exploitation of research results, managing research projects, entrepreneurship and company start up, organization of R&D and product development in industry, formulation of effective research bids and development of impact from research, all delivered through a bespoke series of workshops and schools.

We are looking for an Early Stage Researcher (ESR), with a background on social sciences (e.g. Psychology, economics, communication sciences, geography, or decision-sciences). Successful candidates will have a strong interest in one or more of the following fields: socioeconomic, or decision-making relating to policy. For informal discussions, please contact Professor Glyn Jones (

The position is offered for 26 months: All hired researchers must enrol in Doctoral Programmes, undertake mobility in order to implement their individual Research Project, as well as to participate in complementary training activities.

  • ESR 14: Socio-economic impact of plant viruses in the food supply chain. Newcastle University (UNEW), United Kingdom.

Brief description of individual research project: The objectives are: 1) To assess the potential impacts of improved knowledge on the spread of plant viruses in the food supply chain and based on this define what stakeholders/ markets are vulnerable, and to identify what policy options are available to mitigate identified risks and optimise the impacts of any associated benefits associated. 2) To define how decision-makers (policy and business) interpret and prioritise the potential impacts in terms of vulnerabilities/ opportunities when making decisions. 3) To establish a typology of risks and benefits, and risk/benefit perceptions. 4) The results will include the identification of risks and benefits and societal concerns and priorities for policy response. It will also outline a “tool-kit” that can incorporate a range of criteria and weighting/scoring from different stakeholders, including scientists/experts, policy makers, industry, and other stakeholders


Remuneration is according to MSCA ITN rules. Salary per month depends on the host country correction coefficient following the EC rules (Table 2 of the MSCA Work Programme 2018-2020,, page 82). Net salary results from deducting all compulsory (employer /employee) social security contributions as well as direct taxes (e.g. income tax) from the gross amounts.

In addition to the stipend, mobility allowance (600€ per month) will be paid as part of the salary or as other benefits depending on the organization. Family allowance*(500€ per month) will be paid as part of salary where the researcher has a family by the time of recruitment. PhD tuition fees will be covered by the host organisation.


Applicants should send full application consisting of:

• Curriculum Vitae (Europass format recommended; Please specify your residence/work place in the last 3 years).

• University transcripts (grades)

• A motivation letter addressing his/her research interests in relationship to the selected individual research project.

• At least two recommendation letters

To be emailed to the corresponding project supervisor and in copy to indicating ref. “INEXTVIR call for ESR” in the subject of the email.

The deadline to submit the required documentation will be 08 November 2020 (17:00 CET).

Date de candidature
26 months
Social sciences : Economy, Environmental Sciences, Political science, Sociology