
The Schwarz Fellowship for Research on Music supports research that focuses on the cultural history of music in the Mediterranean world broadly defined. The fellowship aims to promote the study of interactions among Western European, Byzantine, Islamic and Jewish cultures from the medieval to the modern period.

Eligibility: Career musicians or researchers, Ph.D. candidates, or Ph.D. holders who received their degree within the last 5 years. Open to all nationalities. For research in the Gennadius Library for the full academic year.

Fields of Study: Musical composition, conducting, music history, musicology, and related fields. Fellows will be expected to conduct a program of original research on a theme related to the collections of the Gennadius Library.

Terms: A stipend of $11,500 plus room and board in Loring Hall, and waiver of School fees. Meals, Monday through Friday, are provided at Loring Hall for the fellow. Fellows are expected to be engaged full-time in the supported research at the library from early September 2025 to late May 2026 and are expected to participate in the academic life of the School. Any concurrent employment requires the permission of the Director of the School. A final report is due at the end of the award period, and the ASCSA expects that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of the ASCSA acknowledge the support of the ASCSA and be contributed to the Gennadius Library. Research trips conducted outside of Athens must be preapproved by the Director of the Gennadius Library.

Application: Submit an online application form. An application consists of a curriculum vitae, description of the proposed project (up to 750 words), and two letters of reference to be submitted online. Please note that applications should reference the Gennadius Library or its specific holdings in regards to the proposed project. Student applicants must submit transcripts. Scans of official transcripts are acceptable.

The award will be announced by mid-March.

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Application date
1 academic year
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology, Arts and Art history, History