Sciences Research Fellowships FOR FEMALE RESEARCHERS

Newnham College is proud to offer a number of Research Fellowships for outstanding female researchers early in their careers.
Our Fellowships offer an opportunity to carry out independent research in a stimulating and supportive academic community, to meet established researchers across a range of disciplines, and to take part in the life of Newnham College.
Stipends, for those without financial support from other sources, are:
- For post-PhD Research Fellows: Point 41 on the University Scale, (currently £36,024 for 2023-24)
- For pre-PhD Research Fellows: Point 37 of the University Scale, (currently £32,332 for 2023-24)
The stipends are on a three point scale and rise each year to the next point on that scale.
Note that applicants who have taken time out of research for professional or family reasons will not be at a disadvantage.
For further details, see below.
Meet our current Junior Research Fellows
The Science, Mathematics, Engineering or Psychology Research Fellowship
The Sciences Research Fellowship is offered in any field of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, or Psychology.
Applications for the 2024 Fellowship are now open.Applications will close on Friday 22 September 2023 at 23:59 UK local time.
The successful candidate will enter into their Fellowship on 1 October 2024.
For further information and details of how to apply click here.