Small Grants in Medical Humanities and Social Science

Following a review, we have decided to close this scheme. The final application deadline is 11 July 2019. 

Small Grants fund programmes of activities that enable researchers to establish and develop networks, explore new areas of research and increase the impact of their work.

Who can apply

You can apply for a Small Grant if you’re a humanities and social science researcher who wants to do one or more of the following:

  • establish and develop professional networks
  • explore new areas of research
  • increase the impact of your work.

You must propose a programme of events or activities, not one-off events or activities.

The programme could include a combination of different activities. Examples of eligible activities include:

  • organising conferences (including annual conferences), seminars, meetings or workshops
  • carrying out developmental or exploratory research projects, including archival scoping or proof of concept work.

Your activities could involve policy makers, healthcare practitioners or other groups relevant to your research.

You should apply through a university or other research organisation based in the UK, Republic of Ireland or a low- or middle-income country. Go to the World Bank website to see a list of low- and middle-income countries.

What you should consider

When applying, you should state:

  • your experience and contributions in this area of research 
  • what you want to achieve with your programme of activities
  • how your activities will link together to achieve your aims
  • who your partners, stakeholders and participants will be
  • the budget for your activities.

Current grantholders

Our current humanities and social science grantholders can apply for a Small Grant to enhance their existing award so that they can explore new opportunities or research ideas.

Who can't apply

You can't apply if you want to:

  • organise a one-off event
  • travel to and attend a conference  
  • write up a book
  • undertake an academic course, such as a Master's degree or PhD
  • extend a current humanities and social science grant to complete activities relating to your original aims
  • engage with a non-specialist public audience.

What we offer

A Small Grant is usually up to £30,000. Grants usually last for six to twelve months but the duration can be flexible, eg for a series of annual conferences.

You should ask for a level and duration of funding that's justifiable for your proposed activities.

Support can include:

  • research expenses for small-scale projects. Modest personal support or salary expenses may also be requested, but must be carefully justified.
    • staff
    • materials and consumables
    • publication costs
    • travel and subsistence
    • other costs
  • conference and meeting costs.

What we don’t offer

We don't provide funds for directly allocated or indirect costs unless they're included on this page.


July 2019 round

This is the final round of Small Grants in Humanities and Social Science.

  • Full application deadline 11 July 2019, 17:00 BST
  • Decision August 2019
Date de candidature
Usually 6-12 months
Social sciences