Call illustration

STIAS accepts and welcomes proposals for team projects (typically three to five participants). Team members are usually accommodated in a large office with five workspaces and adjoining seminar room and lounge.

The same Guiding Principles and Criteria as for individual fellowships apply. Selection is carried out simultaneously with individual fellowships and according to the same selection process and deadlines. Selection for participation in a team project is carried out on an individual basis.

Together with the project proposal the main proposer/team convenor is expected to submit the CVs of the proposed team members and in the proposal indicate the role and proposed contribution of each member in the project.

In general, team project members are expected to spend concurrent  residencies of approximately two-and-a-half months (with a minimum of six weeks), limited to a single period of residence. In rare instances a full-semester team project (five months) will be considered. Where some members are unable to join the team for the full duration of the proposed residency, this needs to be indicated in the application.

Support for a workshop/colloquium hosted by the members of a team project may be offered during the residency dates and will be limited to financing the local costs (airport transfers, accommodation, meeting venue and catering) for up to 12 participants (not counting the team fellows in residence). Proposals for a workshop/colloquium, including its goals, provisional dates, target participants and anticipated outcomes must be included in the project proposal.


Apply now

Along with a covering letter, applications should include:

  1. Comprehensive Curricula Vitae of all team members.
  2. A list of publications for each team member.
  3. One or two recent articles typical of each team member’s research work, or related to the proposed project.
  4. A project title and description (2-4 pages) of the planned work and expected outcomes.
  5. A brief summary/ introductory text (maximum 200 words) of the proposed project accessible to readers from outside the candidate’s specific discipline. This will be posted on the STIAS website (see project summaries for examples).
  6. A clear indication of the length of fellowship being applied for, together with preferred and alternative dates of residence at STIAS for each team member.
  7. A brief indication of how the applicants became aware of the STIAS programme.

Submit via…

EMAIL (preferred):
Documentation should be submitted in PDF format.

Ms Gudrun Schirge, STIAS Senior Programme Administrator
Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa

Application date
6 weeks or 5 months
Social sciences