Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colombia) (Colciencias)

Colciencias is a Department of Science, Technology and Innovation.
It promotes the policies to foster CT+I in Colombia. Activities inherent in the fulfillment of its mission involves agreements in promotion policies aimed at the production of knowledge, the construction of CT+I capacities, and the facilitation of the circulation and uses of such capacities and knowledge for the integral development of the country, and the welfare of Colombian people.
Colciencias has the challenges to coordinate the National System Of Science, Technology, and Innovation -SNCTI, create synergies and interactions so that Colombia has a scientific, technological, and innovative culture; it means that Colombian regions and population, the productive sector, professionals and non-professionals, students, and elementary school, high school, under grade, and post grade professors make part of the strategies, and research and development agendas.
Colciencias also has to define the strategic programs for the development of the country, the complementarity of efforts, it has to also define the ways to take advantage of the international cooperation, and the visibilization, use, and appropriation of the knowledge produced by our communities of researchers and innovators; in general, it has to delineate all the activities that are focused on the promotion of researches and innovations that the country we dream of requires.