BBVA Foundation

The BBVA Foundation expresses the Corporate Social Responsibility of the BBVA Group, in particular, its engagement with projects to advance the societies where it conducts its business activity. This commitment has given rise to an extensive body of work in diverse knowledge areas.
The Foundation engages in the promotion of research, advanced training and the transmission of scientific knowledge to society at large, focusing especially on the analysis of emerging issues in five strategic areas: Environment, Biomedicine and Health, Economy and Society, Basic Sciences and Technology, and Arts and Humanities. The BBVA Foundation designs, develops and finances research projects in these areas; facilitates advanced, specialist training through grants, courses, seminars and workshops; organizes award schemes for researchers and professionals whose work has contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge; and communicates and disseminates such new knowledge through publications, debates and lectures.
The presiding values of the BBVA Foundation are scientific objectivity and independence in decision making, innovation, the pursuit of excellence and an accent on the horizontal and global issues of the day.
- Promote knowledge as the most effective means to address the challenges facing contemporary society (environmental protection, sustainable development, healthcare, demographic change, globalization, social integration and innovation at the service of expanding opportunities for all members of society).
- The BBVA Foundation sees knowledge as the cornerstone of all its activities, aware that the main obstacle to solving today's problems is a failure to detect and understand their causes.Open new spaces for encounter between the worlds of research and decision making, in both the public and the private domain.
- Foster interdisciplinary research on the emerging issues of the 21st century, which express the concerns and aspirations of our society and may determine its future course.
- Ensure that the results of the research work and innovative projects supported by the BBVA Foundation are relayed directly to society, in a proactive manner, and to this end enlarge the channels and media through which its activities are publicized (in print publications or the electronic space). The fruits of research can thus be placed at the disposal of the wider public.
- Address the global issues - transcending national boundaries - which confront the globalized society of our times.
- Develop a model of activity which is sensitive to the opportunities yielded by new information and communication technologies.
Frontier of Knowledge Awards
The BBVA Foundation expresses the engagement of financial group BBVA with the cause of social responsibility in the societies where it does business, in pursuit of a better quality of life for all citizens. The central planks of BBVA's corporate culture and strategy are the promotion of knowledge and innovation, and respect for the ethical principles that characterize the plural society of the 21st century, which it views as key contributors to ongoing value creation and the opening-up of new opportunities and choices for individuals and groups.
The BBVA Foundation promotes scientific research of excellence by funding research projects, disseminating the results to society through diverse channels including symposia, workshops, lectures, publications and exhibitions, and providing advanced training and research awards. The Foundation also lends active support in other cultural areas, principally literature and contemporary music.
The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards seek to recognize and encourage world-class research and artistic creation, prizing contributions of broad impact for their originality and theoretical significance. The name of the scheme is intended to encapsulate both research work that successfully enlarges the scope of our current knowledge – pushing forward the frontiers of the known world – and the meeting and overlap of different disciplinary areas.