Forte: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare

Forte is a research council funding research on health, working life and welfare. The research Forte funds today paves the way for a more equal and sustainable society in the future.
Forte is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Our operations are guided by governmental directives and an annual letter of appropriation . On behalf of the government we initiate and finance research in the areas of health, labour and welfare. We evaluate the effects of research and how the results can be translated into practice, as well as working actively with dissemination of knowledge. Forte creates meeting places where research and the future are the central focus.
Financing research in Sweden and abroad
Forte distributes around 550 million Swedish kronor every year to both basic and needs-driven research. This ranges from individual project grants to larger efforts to build world-class research environments. Forte also distributes funds with the aim of stimulating international research collaborations, both within the EU and worldwide.
Research for the society of tomorrow
Forte’s tasks also include identifying areas where more research is needed. Our society is facing many challenges, including democratic development, changes in the labour market and widening social and economic gaps in society. Forte promotes research that gives us the knowledge to meet these challenges. We work to ensure evidence-based progress towards a society with good and equal health, inclusive labour markets and a well-functioning welfare system.
Research accessible to all
Forte is a vital link between scientific research and practical application. We evaluate and analyse research results and make them available for all. We also organise events such as breakfast seminars and conferences where researchers, policy makers and others can meet and exchange knowledge. In this way we promote an active dialogue around health, working life and welfare.