Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI)
Qatar University

The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) is a social scientific survey research initiative of Qatar University. SESRI was established in October 2008 with enthusiastic support from the leadership of Qatar University and falls under the Office of the President. SESRI's mission is to provide sound and reliable data to guide policy formulation, priority-setting, and evidence-based planning in the social and economic sectors.
The Institute's research agenda spans a wide range of substantive areas of importance to Qatari society, including labor and employment, modernization and shifts in social values, education, health, family structure, and the impact of social and traditional media. At the same time, SESRI works to place results from Qatar into a wider context through participation in regional and international survey projects, including the widely-utilized World Values Survey.
Now in its sixth year of operation, the Institute has assembled a highly qualified staff with diverse research interests, a wealth of professional experiences, and, above all, a shared vision and commitment to the importance of conducting high quality survey research that serves people. Indeed, the core values guiding our work are independence, public service, cooperation with existing research initiatives, and transfer of knowledge and skills to build the capacity of the next generation of young Qatari social science researchers.
In addition to the strong support we have received from Qatar University leadership, we have also been fortunate to team up with the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan, which was instrumental in the establishment of the Institute and continues to offer world class professional support and assistance.