University of Chicago
What is it about this institution that has produced more than 90 Nobel Prize winners, and over a dozen recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom? How is it that in our 125-year history, we have contributed to some of the world’s greatest discoveries and breakthroughs, while defining entirely new fields of study?
It fuels discovery and impact
Rigorous inquiry inspires scholars to shape and define new fields of study that improve life around the globe.
It opens new lines of questioning
Scholars engage in intellectual debate, continually searching for new evidence, while facing questions from peers with diverse viewpoints and backgrounds.
It leads to ideas that matter
Rigorous inquiry defines our culture and is the foundation for our world-changing research.
Ideas with impact
From the Chicago School of Economics to pioneering social service scholarship in the U.S., the University of Chicago is renowned for putting forth ideas that change the way we live and think.
A mission to touch the sun
In the late 1950s, Prof. Eugene Parker first coined the term "solar wind" to describe the stream of electrically charged particles emitted by the sun. In 2017, NASA recognized Parker by naming its first mission to the sun—the Parker Solar Probe—in his honor.