Research Fellowship at the UvA Institute for Advanced Study

IAS hosts both Research Fellows and Policy Fellows. To achieve its mission, IAS offers all fellows an inspiring environment and various kinds of support to work on an interdisciplinary challenge together with other members of the IAS community. Here you can find information about who those fellowships are for and how to apply to join our collaborative community!
Who can apply?
UvA researchers or researchers from another university at any career stage can apply for a research fellowship.
We explicitly welcome joint applications from small teams of researchers and are mindful of the importance of (gender) diversity within IAS. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment for everyone.
- PhD degree;
- applicants currently employed by other institutions than UvA need a committed co-applicant within the UvA who wants to structurally collaborate with the fellow. Co-applicants are UvA employees at (Assitant/Associate) Professor level;
- an employment contract at an university or research institute for the entire duration of the research fellowship;
- curiosity and a collaborative mindset.
What we offer
Research fellowships typically have a duration of 2-5 months, depending on availability as well as possible visa limitations, with the possibility of extension.
For research fellows employed by UvA, time at IAS is organised as an in-kind arrangement with their department. This can take the form of spending sabbatical time at IAS or other arrangements (e.g. using a research grant).
Research fellows employed by other institutions (non-UvA fellows) enjoy guest status; they are not employed by the IAS.
For non-UvA fellows who relocate to Amsterdam for the duration of the research fellowship, IAS provides a needs-based compensation for your expenses (travel, accommodation, etc). They are responsible for paying tax to the Tax and Customs Administration of the Netherlands (Belastingdienst) or to the tax authorities of the country in which they are liable to pay taxes.
All research fellows will get access to:
- a regular working space at IAS;
- a vibrant community with many opportunities to develop novel research projects and methodologies, and to establish partnerships and networks;
- participation in community lunches and events
- organisational support to (co)organize and publicize activities at IAS (such as workshops, think tanks, seminars);
- small amount of seed funding to support their project (e.g. for student assistance, inviting international guests, publication support).
What we expect
The IAS consists of a curiosity-driven research community.
All research fellows are expected to:
- be present at IAS at least 3 days a week;
- collaborate with their co-applicant;
- actively engage with the wider IAS community;
- participate in IAS social and scientific activities;
- contribute to IAS’ programming (e.g. through a kick-off);
- acknowledge IAS in any publications resulting from the research fellowship;
- write a short blogpost within four weeks after the end of the research fellowship.
Selection criteria
- fit within IAS’ mission and research themes;
- academic trackrecord, taking into account the career stage of the applicant;
- perspective on/experience with interdisciplinary research collaboration.
The number of available research fellowships is limited. In the selection process we will therefore also consider how an applicant’s profile and proposal fits with the other research activities and the overall composition of the research fellowship cohort.
Process and Timelines
Research fellowship applications are assessed by the IAS Board of Associates, who advises the IAS Director. While we welcome applications at any moment throughout the year, ideal starting dates for research fellowships at IAS are February and September. Please note, that IAS is not able to host international fellows during the summer break. Kindly consider this in your planning and timeline. Our Board of Associates meets three times a year to assess applications: January, May and October.
To apply, please send an email to and include:
- the application form;
- CV;
- a letter of support from your employer/supervisor.