University of Sarajevo

Univerzitet u Sarajevu


The University of Sarajevo is a sizeable and complex organisation carrying out the noble mission of educating able, creative and internationally competent staff in all areas of interest for Bosnia and Herzegovina through teaching and research. Staff are expected to address the challenges of modern economy in the European and global political, economic, social and cultural context.

The University is committed to remain an autonomous academic community of teachers, researchers, artists and students incorporated into the international university and academic community and trends.

The University continually invests efforts in strengthening its role as a responsible institution within its social community, and to ensure the role of the recognizable centre for scientific and artistic work, bringing together teams of domestic and international experts and artists around projects relevant to the domestic, regional, and wider social context and environment.

The organization and activities of the University of Sarajevo, as a public higher education institution in the Sarajevo Canton, are prescribed by the Framework Law on Higher Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Law on Higher Education in the Sarajevo Canton and the University’s Statute. The University of Sarajevo is comprised of twenty-two Faculties, three Academies and five research Institutes with the status of full members, internally organized within six Science/Arts Groups from the fields of:

  1. Social sciences 
  2. Humanities 
  3. Medical sciences 
  4. Natural, mathematical and bio-technical sciences 
  5. Technical sciences 
  6. Arts.

The full University of Sarajevo member institutions are:

  1. Academy of Fine Arts
  2. Academy of Performing Arts
  3. Faculty of Architecture
  4. Faculty of Economics and Business
  5. Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  6. Faculty of Islamic Studies 
  7. Faculty of Criminalistics Criminology and Security Studies
  8. Faculty of Political Sciences
  9. Faculty of Sports and Physical Education 
  10. Faculty of Transport and Communications
  11. Faculty of Health Studies 
  12. Faculty of Pharmacy
  13. Faculty of Philosophy
  14. Faculty of Civil Engineering 
  15. Faculty of Catholic Theology
  16. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 
  17. Faculty of Medicine 
  18. Music Academy
  19. Teacher Training College/Faculty of Pedagogy
  20. Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science
  21. Faculty of Law 
  22. Faculty of Science (Natural Sciences and Mathematics)
  23. Faculty of Dental Medicine (with Clinics)
  24. Faculty of Forestry
  25. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  26. Institute of History
  27. Oriental Studies Institute
  28. Language Institute
  29. Institute for Genetics and Biotechnology
  30. Institute for Crime Research and International Law

The University of Sarajevo also has one associate member: 

  1. Faculty of Administration
Europe : Bosnie-Herzégovine
Type d'institution
Institutions non françaises : Université

Appels en cours

Aucun appel en cours disponible pour cette institution.