APF Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants for Gifted Children and Youth Research

The Esther Katz Rosen Fund* was established in 1974 by a generous bequest intended to support “…activities related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children.”
Deadline: March 6, 2025
Amount: 1 grant of $45,000
Sponsors: APF
The Esther Katz Rosen Fund was established in 1974 by a generous bequest intended to support “…activities related to the advancement and application of knowledge about gifted children.”
Program Goals:
- enable and enhance development of identified gifted and talented children and adolescents
- encourage promising psychologists to continue innovative research and programs in this area
Support will be provided for activities on the advancement and application of knowledge related to identified gifted and talented children and adolescents, such as:
- research
- pilot projects
- research-based programs
*In November 2013, the American Psychological Foundation Board of Trustees combined the Rosen Graduate Student Fellowship and Rosen Early Career Research Grant into a single program, the Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants.
APF encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds with respect to age, race, color, religion, creed, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender, and geography.
Applicants must:
- be affiliated with a school or education institution
- hold a doctoral degree from, or be a graduate student at, an accredited university for research proposals
Application Instructions
Application Materials:
- project proposal
- project timeline
- detailed budget and justification
- CV
- two letters of support
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on:
- conformance with stated program goals and qualifications
- quality and impact of proposed work
- innovation and contribution to the field
- applicant’s demonstrated competence and capability to execute the proposed work
Please be advised that APF does not provide feedback to applicants on their proposals.
Please review our program FAQs for important details on the application process.