ASCL Visiting Research Fellowship

The ASCL has an active visiting fellowship programme. Selected fellows will be able to make use of our excellent library, collaborate and network with colleagues, and participate in our regular seminars.
In order to be eligible for a Visiting Research Fellowship, the applicant has to meet all of the following criteria.
He or she must:
- Hold a PhD degree, by the time of applying;
- Have conducted research, as part of the PhD and/or in later projects; with a focus on Africa;
- Be actively pursuing an academic/research career;
- Have published books, book chapters and/or journal articles in recent years that meet international standards;
- In accordance with visa regulations, be ready to return to the country of which he/she is a citizen and/or a current resident upon completion of the fellowship.
In the assessment of applications that meet these requirements,
- Preference will be given to applicants based in Africa. ‘Africa’ here refers to the member states of the African Union. ‘Based in’ Africa is understood to mean having lived in Africa during at least two of the last four years; and
- Emphasis will be placed on the quality and feasibility of intended work and outputs from the fellowship (labelled “research proposal” in the application form).
How to apply
There is an open call for fellowships for 2025. The text of the call, and the application form can be found here (Word document).
If you want to be added to the mailing list for calls, please subscribe here.
Reviewing procedure
Each applicant has to indicate the CRG they want to be linked with, and the topic of research must fit in with the CRGs research. Each CRG nominates their one preferred candidate. The visiting fellowship committee checks the final selection in order to safeguard the program objectives (e.g. keeping eye on gender and geographic balance).
Practical matters
A research fellowship includes:
- A return ticket (economy class).
- Coverage of living costs (fixed amount).
- Accommodation in Leiden: a fellow is provided with his/her own single bed/sitting room. Kitchen and bathroom are to be shared with a maximum of two other fellows (male/female). The rooms are on the first floor, with the landlord and landlady living on the ground floor. If the offered accommodation is unacceptable for the fellow (for instance fellow who wish to travel with a partner, or child) he/she is expected to look for alternative accommodation him/herself in Leiden or its vicinity. Alternative accommodation will not be paid for by the fellowship/institute. The institute cannot assist the fellow in their search for alternative accommodation.
- A medical/liability insurance (please note that this insurance does not cover the cost of treatment of a pre-existing medical condition).
- The use of (shared) office facilities and of library facilities.
Self financed visitors
Self financed visitors can request to spend some time at the ASCL for research purposes. They will be offered a desk and computer (depending on availability) and they can make full use of the ASCL's library facilities. The ASCL does not offer self-funded visitors assistance in travel arrangements, visa application and/or finding accommodation. If you are interested in a self-funded visit please send your research proposal, cv, and proof of financial means to: sends e-mail), and please indicate the dates of your intended visit.