Borg Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the United States and East Asia
The Weatherhead East Asian Institute (WEAI) at Columbia University invites applications for the role of Borg Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the United States and East Asia for 2019-2020.
WEAI seeks a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in modern or contemporary Japan within the social sciences (anthropology, economics, history, political science, or sociology), with preference for topics relating to the U.S., Asia, and the world. The Research Scholar will teach one course each semester in her/his area of expertise as well as pursue her/his own research project. The Research Scholar will be expected to participate actively in programs and events sponsored by the Weatherhead East Asian Institute and other relevant units at Columbia.
The appointment will cover a 12-month period beginning July 1, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2020. It comes with shared office space and access to Columbia University libraries and resources.
Applicants must have completed all Ph.D. requirements (dissertation completed and filed) between May 2016 and July 2019.
Application Process
To apply, submit application materials to For full consideration, candidates must attach all files to one application email, or upload all documents to a cloud-based platform and include a link to those documents in the application email.
Please submit:
- 1-2 page cover letter that briefly states your interest in the program, your background, and a summary of your research project
- CV including a list of courses taught (if any)
- Project description
- Two course proposals with syllabi for seminars directed at M.A. students and advanced undergraduates
- Course evaluations for classes taught (if any)
- Two scholarly writing samples
- Letters of recommendation from two references should be emailed directly by referees to or mailed to:
Weatherhead East Asian Institute
Attention: Sydnei Easley
420 W. 118th Street
New York, NY 10027
Application Deadline
All application materials (including letters of reference) must be received on or before March 15, 2019. Candidates may be invited for an interview to be held by Skype or in person. All evaluations made in connection with applications received are confidential.
Awards will be announced no later than April 15, 2019. Â Acceptance of award is due no later than May 1, 2019.
For more information about the role of Borg Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the United States and East Asia, please contact WEAI Administrative Assistant Sydnei Easley (