CNRS-University of Toronto Joint Call for Twin Research Scholars

Scientific Areas
The CNRS and the U of T are launching a joint call for proposals between the two institutions to further develop collaborations in areas of mutual strategic importance.
This joint call is intended to fund up to 3 years of a PhD fellowship (CNRS only) and travel starting in March 2024 for U of T awardees and September 2024 for CNRS awardees.
Principle Investigators (PI):
U of T: Faculty with graduate faculty member status, projects must be aligned with the work of one or more of the following Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISI):
- Acceleration Consortium o Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI)
- Data Sciences Institute (DSI)
- Institute for Pandemics (IfP)
- Medicine by Design (MbD)
- MITO2i (Mitochondrial Innovation Initiative)
- Robotics Institute o Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs @ UofT)
CNRS: Researchers working in a CNRS unit holding an accreditation to supervise PhD students (HDR).
A PI cannot submit more than one application in the framework of this call.
U of T: any PhD student
France: first-year PhD students
Collaborative Research
Each proposal must have at least one applicant PI from U of T and one from CNRS.
PIs who do not already have a collaborator may consult the CNRS website or the relevant U of T ISI websites to find information on the research groups and projects being carried out in either institution (see eligibility section above for links).
Funds will cover mobility costs for visits to France & to U of T for the PhD student over three years (CNRS provides up to €5,000 per year for PhD students from France to travel to U of T, and U of T provides up to CAD $7,500 per year for U of T students to travel to France).
In accordance with respective institutional policies, PhD students are expected to be financially supported by their home institution, at the equivalent level of a PhD fellowship in keeping with these policies, including when the student is visiting the host institution.
Support period
Up to 3 years
Number of awards
Up to 5 awards will be distributed per call. Each award will support 1 PhD student at U of T and 1 PhD student at CNRS per selected proposal.
Call date
November 16, 2023
Submission date
January 29, 2024
Notification date
February 29, 2024