CY Initiative┋TALENT programme

IMPORTANT: This call is restricted for external researchers whising to join a CY Initiative research center (CY Cergy Paris University - ESSEC) / Cet appel est réservé aux chercheurs externes souhaitant intégrer un centre de recherche de CY Initiative (CY Cergy Paris Université - ESSEC).
[NB: supporting documents / documents complémentaires ]
As part of the CY Initiative (CYI), an eighth call for proposals is launched in favour of the development of research and its internationalization. CYI is supported by CY Cergy Paris University & ESSEC Business School. These two institutions have joined forces under the CY Initiative project, with the objective to boost their research potential and international attractiveness.
The CY Initiative TALENT PROGRAMME invites applications from high-profile young researchers willing to develop their research in one of the research groups of CY Initiative.
It offers the possibility to young researchers to demonstrate their capacity to lead an ambitious research project at the highest level, as well as a research team, in all academic fields. The recruitment will take the form of junior chairs, with a duration of three years, integrated in a CY Initiative research center and offering attractive compensation and research environment. The project will contribute to the development of the CY scientific community. It is expected that the research program of the candidate be articulated with the research strategy of the hosting CY research center and create research synergies therein, and beyond.
Research at CY Initiative can be grouped into four main scientific domains:
- Modeling and Formal Sciences
- Natural and Experimental Sciences
- Economics, Business, Law and Politics
- Humanities, Art and Education
They cover all academic disciplines with the exception of medicine.
In order for your application to be valid, it is obligatory to be in contact with the potential hosting research group belonging to one of the 2 CY Initiative institution.
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