Initialisation scholarships for female postdoctoral researchers

According to the “Female Professor Programme of the State and the Federal States” (Professorinnenprogramm des Bundes und der Länder), the University of Erfurt announces initialisation scholarship for female postdoctoral researchers.
This scholarships aim to fund female postdoctoral researchers that intend to apply for a third-party funding, or participate in the application process of a larger project at the University of Erfurt and who wants to gain experience in project management after the application for third-party funding has been successful.
The scholarship has no thematic restrictions. A subject-related connection of the project to the Gotha Research Centre or the Centre for Transcultural Studies / Perthes Collection would be preferable but is not required.
The Initialisation Scholarship is granted for a maximum of 12 months. Postdoctoral researchers receive a basic monthly grant of 1,600 euro and up to 1,000 euro funding for research expenses. The scholarship is accompanied by application advice as well as some individual career coaching.
For detailed information please refer to the announcement.
Application deadline: 27 March 2024, 11:59 pm CET. Start of the funding shall be 1 June 2024 and not later than 1 November 2024.
Please send your application documents to