ISER Post-Doctoral Fellowship



ISER Postdoctoral Fellowships are available, on a competitive basis, to researchers from Memorial University or elsewhere who have completed their doctorate within six years of the March 1st application deadline date. During the tenure of the fellowship, researchers must be in residence at Memorial University under the supervision of a faculty member from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Fellowships normally start on September 1st of the year in which they are awarded and end on August 31st of the following year. Postdoctoral Fellowships of $50,000 per annum (paid on a bi-weekly basis (Canadian) and pro-rated over the duration of the fellowship) are awarded for up to one year.

To be considered for a postdoctoral fellowship, applicants should have a doctorate degree in hand by the application date. Applicants must also have completed their doctorate within six years of the March 1st application deadline.

If an individual has already held a ISER Postdoctoral award they are not eligible for another. A Postdoctoral Fellowship is for one year only, and not renewable for a second year.

If you have questions, please contact

To apply for an ISER Postdoctoral fellowship:

  • Complete an ISER Postdoctoral Application in accordance with the set of instructions found here: 
  •  Fill in the Applicant section on the ISER Postdoctoral fellowship Letter of Appraisal form and then email it to the referee so they can fill in their section. These letters are sent directly by referees to for both internal and external applicants. Note: letters of appraisal are not required for tenure-stream and tenured faculty at Memorial University. Link to the ISER Postdoctoral fellowship Letter of Appraisal form can be found here: 

University/Institute Policies and Procedures

Applicants from Memorial University must follow all relevant university rates, policies and procedures associated with their applications including ethics and other required clearances and licenses. Both internal and external researchers must follow Memorial’s Policy on Research Impacting Indigenous Groups (RIIG).

a. Memorial’s Policy on Research Impacting Indigenous Groups (RIIG)
This policy came into effect in 2020 and applies to all research grant applications. All applicants must follow this policy (if applicable to the project) to be considered for funding by the Institute of Social and Economic Research. For more information, please review the material at the Policy web page and ask for assistance from the Indigenous Research Office ( if you require more information:

Note: For internal applicants, compliance with RIIG will be checked as part of the submission to the Memorial Researcher Portal. For external applicants, please email a copy of the Agreement in Principle with your application to

b. Ethics

Memorial University is committed to ensuring that research is conducted following the highest standards of ethical conduct and scholarly integrity. All Smallwood/ISER funded research involving human subjects must conform to Memorial University’s policy, Ethics of Research Involving Human Participants:

Application date
1 year
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology
Social sciences : Demography, Law, Economy, Geography, Management and Public administration, Gender studies, Identities, gender and sexuality, International Relations, Political science, Information and Communication Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Sociology