The Middle East Initiative Research Fellowship Program


For junior and mid-career policy-oriented scholars and faculty, with a particular focus on scholars who are from and intend to return to the UAE, the Gulf, and the Arab world. 

Prior to applying, please read through the detailed information below regarding eligibility, priority research areas, expectations, and application requirements.

Apply Here

The Emirates Leadership Initiative Research Fellowship at the Middle East Initiative provides junior and mid-career policy-oriented scholars a ten-month stipend, as well as access to Harvard’s libraries and other resources, to pursue an independent research project on a critical public policy area relevant to the UAE, the Gulf region, and the broader Arab world. Areas of particular interest include optimizing governance, increasing economic dynamism, strengthening human capital, and improving public policy design and delivery (details below).  


The Emirates Leadership Initiative Research Fellowship is designed to attract the most promising junior and mid-career policy-oriented scholars and faculty, with a particular focus on scholars who are from and intend to return to the UAE, the Gulf, and the Arab world. We welcome applications from policy analysts, public servants, and social scientists whose proposed research demonstrates a strong potential for constructive, real-world impact.

Priority will be given to applicants whose research proposals center the four MEI research priorities, which reflect the most salient public policy challenges facing the Gulf and broader Middle East region:

  • Optimizing Governance
    • Enhancing the effectiveness of local governments. 
    • Developing models for governing new technologies and managing their social and economic impacts. 
    • Improving service delivery and efficiency through, among other measures, digital transformation projects. 
  • Increasing Economic Dynamism
    • Diversifying hydrocarbon-based economies. 
    • Fostering private sector development. 
    • Managing tradeoffs between economic openness and policy autonomy. 
  • Strengthening Human Capital
    • Reforming K-12 and higher education systems to maximize innovation and knowledge-production and pursue other socially valuable goals.
    • Developing upskilling, reskilling, and leadership programs.
    • Managing the balance between attracting global talent and developing local capacities. 
  • Improving Public Policy Design and Delivery
    • Promoting the rigorous use of evidence in the design, execution, and evaluation of public policies. 


Fellows are required to be physically present at Harvard for the duration of the fellowship. All fellows are expected to advance the research project outlined in their application and to produce a deliverable, such as a working paper, policy brief, or journal article on the topic. Additional projects, including collaborations with other Harvard fellows and faculty, are encouraged. Fellows may be asked to contribute to the public life of the Middle East Initiative, such as by organizing or speaking in a public event. 

Stipend Information

The Middle East Initiative offers ten-month stipends of $50,000 to predoctoral fellows, $65,000 to postdoctoral fellows, and $75,000 to fellows who received their doctoral degrees more than five years prior to their fellowship start date. Fellows who have not received a doctoral degree within five years of beginning their fellowship will not be benefits eligible. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply for other sources of funding. All applicants should clearly indicate on their application form whether they are seeking full or partial funding and indicate other potential funding sources. Non-stipendiary appointments are also offered, but the application process remains the same.


Academic Year (September 1st – June 30th). Proposals for semester-length fellowships may also be considered.

Application Timeline and Deadlines

The application period for the 2025-2026 academic year is now open. The deadline to apply is Sunday, March 23, at 11:59 PM EST. Recommendation letters are due by Thursday, March 27, at 11:59 PM EST. Decisions will be announced in May 2025.

Application Requirements 

  • CV/ Resume: This should include all degrees earned and dates earned, as well as expected dates of completion for any degrees still in progress. 
  • Research proposal (3-5 pages): This should be a description of the project you intend to pursue when in residence with us.   
  • Unofficial transcript (for applicants who have not earned a PhD). 
  • Contact information for 3 recommenders: Please note that you are responsible for ensuring that your recommenders submit their recommendations on time. MEI ordinarily will not contact delinquent recommenders.  
  • Writing sample (fewer than 50 pages): 
    • Must include an abstract of 300 words or less 
    • Will preferably be single-authored 
    • Can be either published or unpublished 
    • Examples include: policy brief, journal article, book chapter, dissertation chapter, or white paper you have produced in your field 


Application date
10 months
Humanities : Anthropology & Ethnology, History, Philosophy, Theology and religion
Social sciences : Demography, Law, Economy, Geography, Management and Public administration, International Relations, Political science, Sociology