NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship in Educational Research

The NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship supports 25 early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. These $70,000 fellowships support non-residential postdoctoral proposals that make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education. The fellowship also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving NAEd members.
The postdoctoral fellowship was established in 1986 by the NAEd with a grant from the Spencer Foundation. The fellowship program is intended to support early-career scholars working in critical areas of education research. To that end, the NAEd seeks to fund proposals that promise to make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education and to advance the careers of the recipients.
Applications are reviewed by NAEd members and are judged on the applicant’s past research record, career trajectory, and the quality of the project described in the application. To date, the Academy has funded more than 800 postdoctoral fellows. This year, we will award 25 fellowships to begin during the 2024-25 academic year.
The fellowships of $70,000 are intended as salary replacement for one year and to cover other research expenses outlined in the proposal. Fellows must not receive other funding in support of their proposed research during the grant period. Fellows will also receive additional funds to attend required fellowship retreats and NAEd meetings.
Please read all of the enclosed materials carefully as you prepare your application, and feel free to contact us if you have questions.