NordIAS Visiting Fellowship

The Nordic Institutes of Advanced Study have formed the network NordIAS with the aim of increasing collaborations among the institutes and affiliated fellows and staff of the Nordic IAS'es. The NordIAS Visiting Fellowship programme is intended to enhance the academic dialogue and network both for the fellows participating and for the institutes at large.
The NordIAS Visiting Fellowship programme is relevant for you if you see an added academic value both for you as a fellow and for the receiving institute in carrying out a visiting fellowship for 1-3 weeks as part of your existing fellowship. Before you apply, you are encouraged to seek out potential collaborators and/ or activities of relevance at the receiving institute.
For fellows at the NordIAS member institutes
All fellows at all the eight institutes are welcome to apply for a visiting fellowship at one of the other institutes. To apply you must have an active fellowship at the home institute at the time of the desired visit.
Period and duration of visit
The visiting fellowship can be of 1 to 3 weeks. The timeframe for the visits will be coordinated with the hosting IAS and timeslots must be proposed in the application. The Institutes have marked in the list below which semesters they accept visits.
The visiting fellowship includes
The receiving institute will provide an office space for the duration of the visit and will include the visiting fellow in all relevant academic and social activities during the visit.
Travel and accommodation
The fellow’s home institute will cover travel costs and accommodation for the duration of the visit. It is the visiting fellow’s responsibility to find adequate housing and make arrangements with their home institute of the reimbursement/ funding of the costs. The duration of the visit and type of accommodation must be cleared with your home institute.
Deliverables and outcome
It is expected that the visiting fellow participates actively in the activities at the receiving institute.
After each visit, the visiting fellow must submit a short feedback paper regarding the outcome of the visit to both the receiving and the home institute.
Assessment and application process
- Send your application by email to Helle Villekold at
Following the application deadline on 20 January 2025, the home institute decides which applicants they will support on an outgoing visiting fellowship. These applications are sent to the receiving institute.
The receiving institute(s) will decide which applicants they will receive on a visiting fellowship (this will largely depend on the academic match, timeframe and of available space at the receiving institute).
Timeline of the application process
- December 2024: Internal call announced by each institution
- January 20, 2025: Deadline for applications (submitted to home institution)
- January 27, 2025: Deadline for home institute to forward selected applicants to receiving institutes
- February 10, 2025: Deadline for receiving institutes to start dialogue with potential home institutes and incoming visiting fellows
- Timeframe for visits – see the timeslots for possible visits on the list of Institutes.
If one fellow has applied to more than one institute, and is accepted at more than one institute, it is up to individual negotiation between the fellow and the home institute to decide if more than one visit can be granted.
NordIAS member institutes
- Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Denmark (Visits possible from 3 March 2025 – 27 June 2005, and from 15 September 2025 - 19 December 2025)
- Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS), University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark (Visits possible from 1 February 2025 – 27 June 2025, and from 1 September – 19 December 2025)
- Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway (Visits possible from 3 February - 27 June 2025, and from 15 September - 19 December 2025)
- Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), University of Helsinki, Finland (Visits possible from 24 February to 19 June, and from 22 September to 19 December 2025)
- Tampere Institute for Advanced Study (Tampere IAS), Tampere University, Finland (Visits possible from 3 March – 13 June 2025, and from 1 September – 12 December 2025)
- Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS), University of Turku, Finland (Visits possible from 1 March 2025 – 30 June 2005, and from 1 September 2025 – 31 December 2025)
- The Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies (Pufendorf IAS), Lund University, Sweden (Visits possible from 1 March 2025 – 31 May 2025, and from 15 September 2025 - 19 December 2025)
- Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), Uppsala, Sweden (Visits possible from 24 February 2025 –11 April 2025, from 6 October 2025 – 17 October 2025, and from 3 November 2025 – 5 December 2025)
About AIAS
As an 'Institute for Advanced Study,' AIAS brings researchers together across disciplines, seniority and nationality. AIAS offers fellowships for excellent researchers from all academic disciplines to pursue cutting-edge research projects for the benefit of society and humankind in optimal research conditions.
The daily encounter with colleagues from diverse research disciplines at AIAS provides fellows with fresh and different insights, methods and perspectives on their own research, leading to new and unexpected research questions and ideas.