Specific support for research works and innovation for defence (ASTRID)┋thematic call on space and deep seabed

The National Research Agency is launching, with the Defence Innovation Agency (AID) as partner, the call for projects ASTRID Energy. This program is co-funded by AID and is hosted by ANR, which ensures its implementation.
The ASTRID Energy program seeks to identify potential disruptions related to the fields of Defence, civil research and industry in the field of energy. The projects have duration between 18 and 36 months. These projects are part of AID and DGA general framework of action aiming to anticipate and control the evolution of the technologies necessary and usable in future Defence and security systems. They may also fall under "basic research" or "industrial research".
This thematic call on energy is dedicated to research of a dual nature with a low level of technological maturity. The projects fall under one of the axes detailed in the text of the call for projects
- Electrification as a complement to fossil energies
- Alternative fuels
- Waste energy recovery
- Call text (in french)
- Proposal template
- Submission Guide (in french)
- FAQ (in french)
- Intellectual property (IP) clauses (in french)
- Submission website
Intellectual property (IP) clauses:
Global technological and industrial competition requires ensuring the dual applications of research results. Therefore, all the agreements for the projects selected in this call will include IP clauses aimed essentially at subjecting to prior authorization from DGA a sale of intellectual property resulting from the work (or an exclusive concession license) to preserve the feasibility of these applications. More generally, DGA wishes to promote the development of innovations and makes available to project leaders a network of technical experts with knowledge of the industrial environment.
Technical, scientific, administrative and financial questions:
Mr Etienne Sabarthes, e-mail : etienne.sabarthes(at)agencerecherche.fr
Ms Florence Lasek, e-mail : florence.lasek(at)agencerecherche.fr
Mr Emmanuel Betranhandy, e-mail : emmanuel.betranhandy(at)agencerecherche.fr