Stipendiary Fellowships at the London SAS Institute of Latin American Studies

The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) is one of nine Institutes comprising the School of Advanced Study (SAS) at the University of London. SAS promotes and facilitates the research of the scholarly community in the UK and overseas in the humanities and cognate social sciences. The School undertakes this mission through academic events, publications, fellowships, libraries, online/digital research resources, networks and collaborations 

The purpose of this scheme is to provide support to Early Career Scholars with relevant subject expertise to pursue innovative and interdisciplinary research on Latin America and the Caribbean in an environment tailored to such work, free from competitive institutional constraints. The scheme enables the Fellows to engage a broad range of UK and international scholars in their research through the formation of networks and through collaboration in research projects, publications and dissemination events such as workshops and conferences. Applications for 2019-20 are currently open.

About the scheme

ILAS' Stipendiary Fellowship Scheme offers funding to support Early Career Scholars in Latin America and Caribbean Studies for periods of between three and six months.

Successful applicants will be based at Senate House, London and receive:

  • A stipend of £1,750 per calendar month
  • Shared office space
  • A SAS email account
  • Access to Senate House Libraries, which includes the Latin American library collection
  • Access and publishing rights into the School on-line repository service, SAS-Space

During your tenure you are expected to contribute in a positive way to the scholarly life and community of the Institute.


To apply, please send the following documents by email to by 11.59pm (UK time) on Sunday 19 May 2019. We regret that applications received after this deadline may not be considered.

  • A complete application form 
  • A short CV (not usually longer than four pages)
  • A Research Proposal detailing the research project to be carried out during the Fellowship (maximum: 2000 words)
  • A Scholarly Engagement Proposal outlining how the applicant would form networks, disseminate research outputs, work across subject disciplines and apply innovative approaches (approximately 1000 words)
  • Two references from appropriate academic referees (further details on references can be found in sections 21-23 of the Call for Applications)

Applicants are advised to make clear in their application:

  • Why it is important for them to be based in London in order to carry out their research
  • How their research can benefit from the resources and collaborations available at the Institute and at the School
  • How they intend to contribute productively to the range of activity across the Institute and the School
  • The existing research networks and collaborations with which they intend to work, or the UK or international scholars with whom they hope to engage and the nature and theme of the interdisciplinary networks or events they hope to convene
  • Any innovative approaches that their research brings to the field
  • The feasibility of the proposed Fellowship (of up to 8 months), in both scholarly and financial terms. 
Date de candidature
3-6 months
Social sciences