Wayne F. Placek Grants

The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research to increase the general public’s understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that LGBTQIA+ individuals experience in this and future civilizations.
Deadline: June 12, 2025
Amount: 2 grants of up to $15,000
Sponsors: APF
The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research to increase the general public’s understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that LGBTQIA+ individuals experience in this and future civilizations. Since 1995, the Placek Fund has granted more than $1 million.
The Wayne F. Placek Grant encourages research that addresses the following topics:
- heterosexuals’ attitudes and behaviors toward LGBTQIA+ people, including prejudice, discrimination, and violence
- family and workplace issues relevant to LGBTQIA+people
- special concerns of sectors of the LGBTQIA+ population that have historically been underrepresented in scientific research
- issues concerning Black LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities
APF will give away two Wayne F. Placek Grants in 2025. One of these grants, the Wayne F. Placek Grant in Memorial of John Peterson, will be focused on psychological research into issues concerning Black LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities, that is conducted by scholars of color.
Wayne F. Placek was initially a research subject of Evelyn Hooker, a groundbreaking psychologist whose 1950s research laid the foundation for the view that homosexuality was not a form of psychopathology. Ultimately, Hooker’s research led to the removal of homosexuality as a clinical diagnosis. Placek, who identified as a gay man, was a participant in Hooker’s studies. Placek was so moved by Hooker’s work that he left his entire estate to her. He instructed that the money be used to advance the general public’s understanding of LGBTQIA+ individuals and reduce the stress and adversity experienced by members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Today, the Wayne F. Placek Grant has funded over $1 million in LGBTQIA+ research.
APF encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds with respect to age, race, color, religion, creed, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender, and geography.
Applicants must be either a doctoral-level researcher or graduate student affiliated with an educational institution or a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research organization.
Graduate students and early career researchers are encouraged to apply.
Application Instructions
Application Materials:
- project proposal
- project timeline
- detailed budget and justification
- CV
Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on:
- relevance to Placek program goals
- magnitude of incremental contribution
- quality of proposed work (significance, innovation, approach)
- applicant’s demonstrated scholarship and research competence
Please be advised that APF does not provide feedback to applicants on their proposals.
Please review our Program FAQs for important details on the application process.