Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) was founded in 1975 by Professor Aryeh Dvoretzky.  Since its inception the IAS has played a significant role in the expansion of Israeli academia, helping to launch new fields and changing the directions of others. It has enhanced scholarly and scientific research, benefitting countless scholars and students, both from Israel and from abroad. 

In 2012 the Institute’s name was changed to the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS), reflecting its role at the national level. The primary mission of the IIAS is to maintain and promote excellence. Distinguished scholars and scientists are invited to pursue their own research without the demands and distractions of university obligations. They are also available to interact with and mentor the younger generation of scholars.

The IIAS is the only Institute for Advanced Study in Israel. It plays a pivotal role in promoting academic collaboration among all the universities in Israel, as well as serving as a bridge between academic research in Israel and abroad.

The IIAS plays an important role on the world stage. It draws distinguished faculty and outstanding students to Israel, bringing Israel, its scholars and the frontiers of knowledge they explore, to the attention of the international scholarly and scientific community. The IIAS is an active member of NetIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study) and SIAS (Some Institutes for Advanced Study Consortium), and played a central role in the founding of the UBIAS (University – Based Institutes for Advanced Study) network.

The IIAS, since opening its doors, has to date hosted more than one hundred and forty Research Groups, with close to 1,200 fellows and visiting scholars, spanning a broad spectrum of topics. Past fellows of the IIAS have acknowledged the positive impact of their time spent at the Institute.

Middle East : Israel
Institution type
Non French Institutions : Institute for advanced study, University or university institute